King's Business - 1918-04

The N ew Rodeheaver Song B ook Used in the “Billy” Sunday Revival Campaign

It contains a few of the m ost popular soggs o f our recent hook, “ Songs for S erv ice/' besides nearly a hundred other new^ ones that have been thoroughly tried "out by M r. Rodeheaver with h is' large “ B illy '' Sunday Chorus. W e . a*i?nt*°n a few titles: “ T ell Jesu s/’ “ L ook-in the, B ib le /' " T e ll It T o -d a y /' “ W ill the Circle B e U n broken?'' i he, Overflow-/' "H ow * W ould- It.-B e W ith Y o u ? '' "B e a Hero.'*- - A new patriotic song, by M r. Gabriel entitled ‘ 'C olum bia's S o n g /' is a w onderful "chorus. The book contains .256 pages, is issued in b o th ro u n d and shaped notes and in three bindings: d o th . L im p Cloth, and M anila. Single copy prices, cloth, 35c; Lim p d oth , 25c; M anila, 22c, postpaid. • Com plete orchestration for ten instruments. RAISE IN PRICES.* W e had hpped to be able to continue original prices, notwithstanding the enormous increase in the cost of plates, paper, printing,, binding and the many other item s that enter into the m anufacture of a book, but are finally com pelled, w ith other publishers* to advance the quantity rates as follow s: Quantities: Cloth, 30c; Limp Cloth, 22c; Manila, 18c, not prepaid. W e believe our patrons w ill .recognize the w isdom of this advance, and yield to us the justice due under existing conditions. ; , ■ SONG STORIES OF THE SAWDUST TRAIL. By Homer A. Rodeheaver. The Fam ous-T rom bone Soloist and Popular leader o f the “ B illy " Sunday Tabernacle - C lairs, w ith an Indorsem ent v " - and Forew ord by Rev. W illiam A . Sunday. H ere is a new and unique book that any one w ill be proud to possess and w hich w ill prove im m ensely satis­ fying as a gift book. Never m ore hum anly interesting m aterial was published than the score o f dram atic stories w hich, w hile based on absolute truths, are as engrossing as a piece o f good fiction. Eleven fam ous songs w ith m usic of the " B illy " Sunday Tabernacle w hich inspired reform ation from w hich these stories are drawn or reproduced. The, songs are presented com plete alongside the tiles of conversion connected w ith them. , Tw o hundred and eighteen pages, handsom ely bound in d oth , gilt stam ped. $1.00 per copy, postpaid. OUR COUNTRY'S SONGS Forty-eight pages and handsom e cover, old and new patriotic songs, folk songs, and gospel songs and hymns appropriate for patriotic gatherings. Ten cents per copy postpaid; $6.00 per 100,. not prepaid. Substantial discount on 500 or m ore. M any patriotic citizens' are distributing these books in large quantities in soldiers’ and sailors' encampments— a useful hint to you. 7- JOASH. A Scripture Cantata for-. Choirs. The story o f Joash is adm irably told . Contains twenty m usical num bers: " Solos, duets, redtatives, choruses, etc. F ifty cents per copy, $4.80 per dozen. RODEHEAVER CHORUS COLLECTION. A splendid collection o f old and new choruses. Contains “ The Heavens A re T e llin g /' “ T he H allelujah C horus," “ H e W atching Over Isra el," etc., also the best of, su ch writers as G abriel, Herbert, and others.- N inety-six pages, octavo size, bound- in cloth, 50c per copy, $4.50 per dozen. Am ong other popular publications w e^m ention: “ Rodeheaver's Sunday-School S on gs," “ Rainbow S ongs," “ R ode- heaver's M ale V oice C ollection /' “ The Recharged Live W ire ," “ Penny O bject L essons," etc. Send for our descriptive catalogue. - v " WE'LL BE WAITING WHEN YOU COME BACK HOME Is the w ar song of the horn l _ It is T H E message the boys at the front and in the cam p are longing to hear. The w ords are by Chasi H G abriel and the m usic by H om er A . Rodeheaver, w ho has sung it .with such w onderful effect. Send a copy to^your brother, son, or sweetheart. If. your dealer, does not carry the soilg send us\ 15c and a copy w ill be m ailed to any given address. , - » ' * . 7 " .. .

1019 M onos Bids;.» CHICAGO*

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