King's Business - 1918-04


B y D r . R . A . J o r r e y ©2 B i b le I n s t it u t e ©2 IL®§ A n g e le s

And the most fundamental question con­ cerning the person o f Christ is, is Jesus Christ really God? Not merely is He Divine, but is He actually God? When I was a boy, to say you believed in the Divinity of Christ, meant that you "believed in the real Deity o f Christ, that you believed that Jesus was actually a Divine person, that He was God. It no longer means that. The Devil is wise, shrewd, subtle, and he knows that the most effectual way to instill error into the minds o f the inexpert and unwary is to use old and precious words and put a new meaning into them. So when his messengers masquerading as “ministers of righteousness” seek to lead, if possible, the elect astray, they use the old precious words but with an entirely new and entirely dif­ ferent and entirely false meaning. They talk about the Divinity o f Christ, hut they do not mean at all what intelligent Chris­ tians in former days meant by it. Just so

“ Now while the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question, say­ ing, What think ye o f Christ? whose son is He?”—Matt. 22:41, 42. The question that our Lord Jesus here puts to the Pharisees is the most fundamental question concerning Christian thought and faith that can be put to anybody in any age. Jesus Christ Him­ self is the center o f Christianity, so the most fundamental questions o f faith are those that concern the person o f Christ. If a man really holds to right views concern­ ing .the person o f Jesus Christ he will sooner or later get right views on every other question. I f he holds a wrong view concerning the person o f our Lord Jesus Christ, he is pretty sure to go wrong on everything else sooner or later. What think ye o f Christ? That is the great central question, that is the vital question.

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