King's Business - 1918-04



and Omega. His words are, “ BEHOLD, I COME QU ICKLY ; AND MY RE­ WARD IS W ITH ME, TO RENDER TO EACH MAN ACCORDING AS HIS WORK IS. I AM ALPHA AN ti OMEGA, TH E FIRST AND THE LAST, THE BEGINNING AND THE END.” Now in this same book in the first chapter and the eighth verse the Lord God declares that He is the Alpha and the Omega. His words are, “I AM THE ALPHA , AND THE OMEGA, SAITH THE LORD GOD, WH ICH IS AND WH ICH WAS AND WH ICH IS TO COME, THE AL ­ M IGHTY .” In 1 Cor. 2 :8, the Apostle Paul speaks o f our crucified Lord Jesus as “the Lord o f glory.” His exact words are, “WH ICH NONE OF THE PRINCES OF TH IS WORLD KNEW : FOR HAD THEY KNOWN IT, THEY WOULD NOT HAVE CRUCIFIED THE LORD OF GLORY.” There can be no question that “the Lord o f glory” is Jehovah God, for we read in Ps. 24:8-10, “WHO IS TH IS KING OF GLORY? JEHOVAH STRONG AND MIGHTY, JEHOVAH M IGHTY IN BATTLE. LIFT UP YOUR , HEADS, O YE GATES ; YEA LIFT THEM UP, YE EVERLASTING DOORS, AND THE KING OF GLORY W ILL COME IN. WHO IS THE KING OF GLORY? JEHOVAH OF HOSTS, HE IS THE KING OF GLORY.” And we are told in the passage already referred to that our crucified Lord Jesus was the King o f Glory, therefore He must be Jehovah. In John 20:28 Thomas addressed the Lord Jesus as his Lord and his God, “ AND THOMAS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, MY LORD AND MY GOD.” Unitarians have endeavored to get around the force o f this utterance of Thomas’s by saying that Thomas was excited and that he was not addressing the Lord Jesus, but was saying “my Lord and my God” as an ejaculation o f astonishment, just in the way that profane people some­ times use these exclamations today, but this interpretation is impossible, and shows to what desperate straits the Unitarians are

driven; for Jesus Himself commended Thomas for seeing it and saying it. Our Lord Jesus’ words immediately following those o f Thomas are, “ BECAUSE THOU HAST SEEN ME, THOU HAST BE­ LIEVED : BLESSED ARE THEY THAT HAVE NOT SEEN, AND YET HAVE BELIEVED” (John 20:29). In the cor­ rect translation o f Titus 2:13, the trans­ lation given in the English revision, not in the American Standard Revision, our Lord Jesus is spoken o f as, “ our gr'eat God and Saviour Jesus Christ.” In Rom. 9 :5, Paul tells us that “ CHRIST IS OVER ALL, GOD BLESSED FOREVER:” The Unitarians have ■made desperate efforts to overcome the force o f these words, but the only fair translation and interpreta­ tion o f the words that Paul wrote in Greek are the translation and interpretation found in both our Authorized and Revised Ver­ sions. There can be no honest doubt to one who goes to the Bible to find out what it actually teaches, and not to read his own thought into it, that Jesus is spoken o f by various names and titles that beyond a ques­ tion imply Deity, and that He in so many words is called God. In Heb. 1 :8 it is said in so many words, o f the. Son, “BUT UNTO THE SON HE SAITH , THY THRONE, O GOD, IS FOR EVER AND EVER ; A SCEPTRE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS IS THE SCEPTRE OF TH Y KINGDOM.” If we should go no further it is evidently the clear and often repeated teaching of. the Bible that Jesus Christ was really God. II. Divine Attributes. But there is a second line o f proof that Jesus Christ was God, a proof equally con­ vincing, and that is, all the jive distinctively Divine attributes are ascribed to JeSus Christ, and "all the fulness of the God­ head” is said to dwell in Him. There are five distinctively Divine attributes, that is five attributes that God alone possesses. These are Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Eternity, and Immutability. Each one o f these distinctively Divine attributes are ascribed to Jesus Christ. First

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