King's Business - 1918-04



the soldiers a New Testament, and they went ashore with hearty expressions of gratitude and good will. A month later Mr. Little wrote me: “ Their visits here from house to house have created a real interest in many hearts, and making a most liberal allowance for those who heard the Word gladly but may fall away, we hope that at least front twenty to thirty real converts have been gained. W e have been in close touch with the workers, and having all postal addresses and already knowing the enquirers we are hopeful that we can attach them to the church without loss.” About eighty per­ sons professed faith in Christ during this preliminary campaign in the city before our men started out for their country work. Men and women are being saved daily.' How I do praise God for our colporteurs, who absolutely believe that “the Gospel is the power o f God unto salvation,” and who fully expect that men will be saved as they preach. "/ — ■■ O ■- — ; Correspondence School C O M E time ago the Correspondence School mentioned the need o f a fund with which to offer complimentary courses to country pastors who felt great need of Bible instruction but were not financially able to enroll. It was laid upon the heart o f one person to send money to provide eight such courses, and eight worthy pas­ tors, hungry for deeper knowledge of God’s Word, will be blessed, we hope, to the blessing of hundreds to whom they will preach. There are many others who would appreciate such help, if the Correspondence School is enabled to extend the offer of financial aid. Some splendid letters o f appreciation have been received. One pastor in the East writes: “I have been a pastor thirty- three years, but feel my past has been of little worth to the Lord. I want to become more fully equipped. I accept this offer to make use of financial assistance as o f the Holy Ghost. The Lord moves in mySi terious ways His wonders to perform.”

them, were robbed o f all they had. The Consul saw the whole thing but dared not go near the mob; they were too furious. THE WORD SCATTERED In spite o f the smaller number of pil­ grims, our workers and the students were able to have personal conversation with about 40,000 and distributed among them 44,442 pieces of literature. The reports coming in this fall show that our men are visiting about 15,000 homes per month, and many people in these homes are turning from vain idols to the Living God. Frequently entire families accept the Gospel. Does it not cause your hearts to thrill with joy? The Gospel message of love, pardon and eternal life earnestly and tenderly delivered in 15,000 homes each month, 15,000 homes where (in most cases) Christ has not been named before! At the close o f the Autumn Bible "School Mr. Kang and the men o f his party left Hengshan by boat for Yungchowfu. Sev­ eral times they were stopped by soldiers who wanted to commandeer the boat for their own uses, but each time they were allowed to proceed when the soldiers learned that they were colporteurs o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. At last a party o f a dozen soldiers hailed them from the bank and when they did not stop they fired across their bows, they still went on when the soldiers with closer aim struck their mast, our men then decided that it would be safer to stop. The soldiers demanded a passage-to Hengchowfu, and as there were only twelve o f them Mr. Kang received them on board. Our men did all they could to make the soldiers as com­ fortable as possible and at once followed Paul’s example and began to tell them o f Christ. The soldiers greatly enjoyed “ Onward Christian Soldiers,” and other hymns with a . martial thought and swing, and before they reached Hengchowfu five o f them professed faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. The soldiers insisted on paying for food used on the trip, a most unusual thing, and they also gave a tip to the sailors. Mr. Kang gave to each o f

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