King's Business - 1918-04



299 entrusted to. them for the purpose o f pur­ chasing the Scriptures? Some friends are availing themselves o f the'-opportunity by asking for a lighthouse bank, to be used for that purpose.,; Ask for one and pray that through it, He may be glorified in the salvation o f many other souls.

o f anything the worker could do- for him, but was, so glad to receive the Scriptures in his own language. Was it worth while to give him the-Scrip­ tures? Was it a good investment? Are there not others „whom He will lead to invest some of the money which has been


Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.

G OD has been wonderfully, answering our prayers and your prayers for the work this past month. For the last three weeks we have been having fine meetings both noonday and night. The first two weeks o f the month of January we held some special evangelistic meetings and God richly blessed them. We wish you would continue to pray for the work we are.carrying on down here in the heart o f this lity, asking him to send in many men who need our help and message. One instance from our work o f this last

month will be o f interest to you, so we pass it on, praying that God will impress you anew with the truth that His Word never returns to Him void. It was in one o f our evening meetings, after a strong Gospel message. W e spoke to a man who Seemed to be angry at the message that had been given. After intro­ ducing ourselves to him, he immediately began to tear to pieces thd message, saying He had no right to talk so strong against Sin.” On questioning him about his own relationship td pod he confessed that he

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