King's Business - 1918-04



Bible Institute Representative Reports Fine Results of His January Evangelistic Campaign at Shamokin, Pa.

n p HE “Irish Evangelist” of the Bible !■ Institute, Rev. W. P. Nicholson, before returning to Los Angeles in February, con­ ducted a successful evangelistic campaign at Shamokin, Pa., o f which he writes as follows : “We opened our campaign in Shamokin, Pa., the last Sunday o f the old year. They had the coldest weather ever known around that region. Most of the four weeks of the campaign was zero weiather, with ice and rain. The streets were covered with ice, making walking very difficult; and dan­ gerous. But in spite o f the disadvantages the meetings grew from the very beginning, not only -in interest, but in blessing. The meetings were held in the First Methodist Episcopal church, a building seating some 1200 or 1300, the largest 'church in that section of: the country. We anticipated a good time, and were not disappointed. I had been through two other campaigns with Dr. J. S. Souser, so knew what to ex­ pect. The preparations prior to the cam­ paign were splendid; some fifty odd prayer meetings had been organized, and there was a spirit o f prayer and expectancy on the part o f the people. “ The first week was rather uphill work, riot merely owing to the weather conditions, but seeing it was New Year’s week, when people were being entertained and enter­ taining their friends and having family re­ unions. From the very first night that we gave the call to the Lord’s people who were not surrendered and filled with the Holy Spirit, to come forward, we had a large response and many we believe entered into a life o f victory and blessing. The climax o f the campaign came after an all-night of prayer. It was one of the greatest meet­ ings for prayer that I have ever been in. The following day, Sunday, we had an all­ day meeting, and from 9 o’clock in the

morning right through until almost 11 o’clock at night there was “the shout of the King in the camp.” : We commenced with an old-fashioned Methodist love feast. It was one of the most tender meetings I had ever been in; testimonies and tears abounded. Quite a large number came out for Christ at the evening service. “The closing day o f the campaign was one long to be remembered. Mrs. Nichol­ son had a women’s meeting in the Baptist church that packed the church to overflow­ ing, and also the Sunday School room. Many were deeply convicted and some pro­ fessed conversion. I had a meeting for men only in the Methodist Episcopal church at the same time. In the evening the church was crammed from, an early hour and the power of God was manifestly present. As soon as the invitation was given they began to come forward in groups, whole families were- converted. We sang and shouted and praised, while the anxious ones came out into clear and full assurance o f faith. It does -one’s ■heart good to know that, although we have left, the good work will be carried on, and all the converts will be looked after by the pastor.” ------------0 _ --------- Heart Songs Under the title, “ Heart Songs,” the China Inland Mission, Philadelphia and Toronto, has issued a book o f verses for Christians, by Henry Weston Frost, containing 130 pages. It is neatly bound in cloth, lettered in gold, and sells at $1.25. ------ ---------- Carl James, a student o f T4 and T5 at the Bible Institute, is- now stationed at the Letterman Hospital, Presidio, Cal. He writes that he likes his work there, but longs to go across to France, that he may be o f use to some o f the poor fellows who may need his help.

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