King's Business - 1918-04



Wonderful Results Follow Complete Dependence Upon Divine Help By Well Known Missionary

"D EV. and Mrs. W . H. Nowack o f the A *■' Ebenezer Mission, Miyang, Honan, China, who, with their three little daugh­ ters, spent some months in Los Angeles at the beginning o f their furlough, are now in Watertown, Wis. The following extract is from Mr. Nowack’s recent issue o f the Ebenezer Echoes, through which he keeps in touch with the Christian public: “ Our stay at Los Angeles was a very blessed one indeed, and we shall long remember those happy months o f' fellowship with our loyal Ebenezer friends, and the many tokens of their ,love and liberality enjoyed while in their midst. “On the Fourth o f July a farewell Eben­ ezer picnic was arranged m one o f the beautiful parks o f the city in view o f our anticipated departure for the East, which, at least as far as we were concerned, was held ‘by faith,’ (Hebrews 11) as we were without a dollar on hand for the anticipated trip, or for anything else, when it took place. “ On the following Monday, July 9, the day set for my departure, we were still without funds, and worse than that, with a number o f family bills, including house rent, etc., and amounting to about $25.00, due on the following day. Things looked rather dark, but we felt help must Come soon as these needs had been definitely taken to God in prayer. Praise His dear Name! before the close >o f that day we received a »check for $100 to be used as the Lord directed, $50 o f which was at once appropriated for the anticipated trip and the other half for our household needs. W e wept for joy as we opened the letter and our knees united in prayer and thanks­ giving to Him who ever abideth faithful. When meeting the donor some weeks later, she informed ,me that she intended the respective amounts o f this offering for the

very purpose for which they were appropri­ ated, but did not feel free to suggest. “ The other answer to prayer for the fam­ ily’s traveling expenses came -in the same precious way. An offering o f $100 was handed to Mrs. Nowack for this special purpose. This was followed by another o f $25 with the same specification. Then came a brief period o f testing, after which the Lord again proved His faithfulness, sending the balance still needed for the trip.” Concerning the work of- Miss Martha Pohnert, teacher in the girl’s school at the Mission, and who is a graduate o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Mr. Nowack makes the following excerpts from her letters: “My heart was just filled with joy as I looked at them this evening sitting in the different parts o f the yard. Praise Him for the growth which is being manifested in many o f their lives. Little Miss Chao has had such victories in her life. She used to get so angry whenever she was reproved and now she takes everything so grace­ fully.” In writing about one o f the girls who after having spent some time in the school was again obliged to leave, Miss Pohnert says: “ She does not want to go one bit. As she got into the cart she put her arms around my neck and wept bitterly. It was hard for her to leave and go back to her heathen home, but her life has been made a great blessing there since her return. The evangelist at her station cannot speak highly enough o f her and says that the change that has come into her life is mak­ ing itself felt among her relatives and friends. I am looking for the Lord to make lasting impressions on these young hearts.”

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