By J. H. Hunter.
I. Jesus Transfigured, vv. 2-10. 1. Where?
“until the day break, and the shadows flee away” (S. S. 2:17). Ask for no vision, O, my soul, lest its coming bring also testing which God had not intended for thee. Take what He gives and follow in His steps.” 4 . What? Jesus had gone into the mountain to pray. He had been talking to the disciples about His approaching death, but they had failed to understand Him or to sympa thize with Him. He wanted to talk about it and them to His Father. It was while He was telling the Father about it, that the glory shone out from Him. He had veiled that glory (which He had with the Father from the beginning) in the flesh that He might die for our redemption, but it shone /through the veil at this tremendous moment. This was the glory that shone in the pillar o f fire in the wilderness, that flamed from Sinai, that filled the tabernacle and the temple—the Shekinah glory that will fie seen again when He comes in judgment. His sufferings were too hard a theme for even John and Peter to grasp; but Moses, the great lawgiver whose redeemed spirit had been in the glory for nearly 1500 years, and Elijah, the fiery prophet, who had been there for nearly 900 years, were glad to come from the place o f blessedness for a while to talk with Him about it. Their continuance there, and their being clothed Upon with their glorified resurrection bodies, depended upon His/ going to the cross. Then, too, did not Moses and Elijah know that; this nation was blind and stub born? Had they not, in their day, been rejected? Could they not sympathize with Him. He, o f course, was to experience worse treatment than ever they had received. The living presence o f these two men proves that the departed saints are not in a condition o f sleep, or o f suspended ani mation, or unconsciousness; but very much alive, and awake more thoroughly to tre mendous spiritual issues than are many men
Mount Herrnon, about 35 miles northeast from Capernaum was the scene o f the shining forth o f the glory o f our Lord Jesus which at other times was veiled by His flesh. It was about eight miles north o f Caesarea Philippi, was 9000 feet high, and was perpetually crowned with snow. 2 . When? Six days after Peter’s confession o f His Deity. Faith is rewarded by sight. It was in the summer of A. D. 29, the year o f Op position. The time may have been evening, for the disciples were sleepy. Luke tells us that it was while Jesus was praying that He was transfigured. 3 . Who? Peter, James and John, the “ inner circle.” Nine apostles did not see Jesus transfigured. Why were not all the apostles allowed to participate? Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, in “The Crises o f the Christ” says: “ It is also true that revelation is accord i n g to capacity. There are those to whom God cannot reveal some o f the methods o f His government. Peter, James and John were taken to the Mount, but eight others saw no transfiguring glory. Do not ask for the vision o f the mount. He takes there whomsoever He will. The light o f trans figuration creates new responsibility. The men who saw its glory were taken also to the vision o f Gethsemane’s sorrow. Let there be no asking for visions. When trans figuration, and garden, and cross, and res urrection, and ascension hours are passed, the Master will not apportion His rewards according to the number o f visions, but according to fidelity to the opportunities He creates. Is there no vision? Then let there be faithfulness without, and after all, this may be the more heroic life. The man to whom God grants a vision should find it easy thereafter to be heroic. To the larger company o f apostles and disciples, no vision . comes. They patiently follow
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