King's Business - 1918-04



By K. L. Brooks.

v. 2. Peter, James, John. “ These three are the foremost afterward in sincere, though frail devotion, one offering to die with him, the others desiring to drink of his cup and be baptized with his baptism.” —Chadwick. ' “ The unripeness Of the others for special revelation Was abundantly shown on the morrow by their failure.”— “ Peter’s heart must have filled with thank­ fulness, that notwithstanding the stern rebuke he had received, he was taken with the other two.”—Maclaren. “ Three were to bear record on earth; three bore rec­ ord from heaven.”—“All the saints are a people near to Christ, but some lie in his bosom.”—“James was the-first o f the twelve to die for Christ, and John survived them all to be the last witness o f his glory, John 1:14, and so did Peter, 2 Peter 1:16- 18.”—Henry; Transfigured before them. v. 3. Became shining. “ Lit. ’glistening’, used only here in N. T. Used o f gleam­ ing of polished metal in O. T. Nah. 3 : 6 .”— “Faint foreshadowings o f the Spirit’s power to light up the face with unearthly beauty o f holiness are not unknown among us.” v. 4. Elias, Moses, Jesus. “The dis­ ciples recognized Moses and Elias whom they had never, seen. That settles the question whether we will recognize in glory those we have known on earth.”— Torrey. “Jesus is the goal o f all previous revelation, mightier than the mightiest, who are honored by being his attendants.” —“He is Lord both o f the dead and the living.”S ‘The appearance o f Moses and Elias teaches us the interest o f the dwell­ ers in heavenly light in the cross.”—“Moses and Elias, typical champions o f the ancient dispensation, yet these were not offended by the cross, which tried so severely the faith o f the disciples.”—“Mystery surrounds the departure o f both Moses and Elijah. (2 Kings 2:9-11; Deut. 34:5, 6 ; Jude 9). Elijah is preserved in body for the ful­ fillment o f his commission in connection with the establishment o f the kingdom. Moses, the great law-giver, is likewise pre­

served.”—-“ That it was a real objective occurrence, not an illusion is shown, by its simultaneous appearance to all three, and by thé conversation between Christ and the visitors.”—Dummelow. “The trans­ figuration is a rebuke to those prone to look upon Christ as like Moses and Elias, or one o f the prophets, Moses and Elias vanished. Christ remained. He is God.” v. 5. Peter answered. “Hé acted just like himself on this occasion. He knew not What to say and thereforé should have kept still|S—Torrey. “ The intervention of Peter, though ill-advised, gives the whole episode a stamp o f great reality.”— Lagrange. Three tabernacles. “ Not well contrived, for such a perfect harmony there is between law, prophets and Gospel, that one tabernacle Will hold them all:”—Henry. v: 7. My Son, hear Him. “ Law and prophets are consummated in Christ and henceforth, disciples are to listen to Him.” — “ Hear him, for all other voices are but for a time and die-into silence, but Jesus’ words shall never pass away.”—“ God’s voice bids Us listen to Christ’s voice as ' His own voice.”—“The divine voice of command—hear HIM—gives the meaning o f the disappearance o f Moses and Elias.” — “ H one does not hear jesus when he speaks o f his passion, one may as well not hear him at all.”—“ Did the words remind Peter how he had lately tried to rebuke His Lord? He again contradicted Jesus; ‘thou shalt never wash my feet’ ; T will never deny thee’ ; and we who wonder and blame him, as easily forget what we are taught.”—Chadwick. v. 9. Tell no man until. “ Every Won­ der in Christ’s life was incomplete until the resurrection was'accomplished.”—“Tell no one until public evidence had been given enough to make Skepticism blameworthy. His resurrection would suffice to unseal his lips.”—Expos. Bible. “ The resurrec­ tion is the center o f all miraculous narra­ tives ; the sun which keéps them all in their Orbit.”

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