King's Business - 1918-04



Galatians were disparaging by falling away from the pure grace o f God and seeking to be justified by their own works. W e find in this fifth verse one o f the numerous instances in which the expression is found which is translated “ for ever and ever” in both the Authorized and Revised Ver­ sions. The literal translation of the expres­ sion is, “unto the ages o f the ages.” It is used very frequently in the New Testa­ ment. It is used a number o f times in the last book in the New Testament o f the future punishment o f the beast, the false prophet, the Devil, and the persistently impenitent, A very strenuous effort is being made in our day to show that this expression does not stand for absolute endlessness, but it is evident from its usage in this verse that it does stand for abso­ lute endlessness, and the same thing is evident from a careful study o f all the passages in which it is found. It is the strongest expression conceivable for that which has tío end. It represents things not merely as continuing unto the ages, but unto ages which are themselves made up o f ages. It represents, not merely years nor centuries, but ages tumbling upon one another in endless succession. Monday, April 8 . , * Gal. 1 : 6 - 8 . The Galatians were Gauls who had s e t­ tled in Asia Minor between two and three centuries before Christ. They were, as we know from history the Gauls generally were, a fickle and changeable people. They had proved a great disappointment to Paul because o f their changeableness, as many converts prove to all missionaries. God had called them in the grace o f Christ, and they had responded with unusual alac­ rity to that call, for their response, though prompt, waí not deep. They were like the seed o f which our Lord spoke, sown upon the shallow soil, which had not much depth, they believed for a while, but in time of temptation fell away (cf. Luke 8:13). So these Galatians quickly removed from God who had called them in the grace o f Christ, into “ a different gospel.”

added. This was in striking contrast with the introduction to his epistles to other churches (see for example Rom. 1:7; 1 Cor. 1:2; Eph. 1:1; Col. 1:2; 1 Thess. 1 : 1 ). Sunday, April J. Gal. 1 : 3 - 5 . Paul wishes, or prays, that the churches of Galatia may have “grace” bestowed upon them. He will shortly show them how greatly they need grace. He also prays that they may have “peace,” which is the sure' result of- grace. Grace and peace could only come “ from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” O f the Lord Jesus Christ Paul says, He “gave Himself fo r our sins, that He might deliver us out of this present evil age, according to the will o f our God and Father.” By “gave Himself for our sins” Paul refers to His dying as a substitute for us (cf. Isa. 53:6). In thus speaking of the Lord Jesus, Paul is preparing the way for the doctrine of justification on the ground of Christ’s atonement through simple faith, which he will develop at length later in the epistle (Gal. 3:9-13). The purpose for which Christ gave Himself in behalf of our sins was “that He might deliver us out o f this present evil age,” i. e., deliver us from its power, its claims, its ideas, its religion, its spirit, its fashions, its constraint, and its influence in every way. In this also Paul is preparing the way for what he will say later, fo r'h e will show them that in going into Judaism they were going into the very things to deliver us from which Jesus Christ gave Himself (cf. Gal. 4:3-5, 9; Col. 2 :14, 16). What Jesus Christ had done in giving Himself for us in order that Hi? might thereby deliver us from this present evil age He had done “according to the will of our Qod and Father” (cf. John 5:30; 6:38; 3:16). So in going back to the practices of this age they were seek­ ing to thwart the will o f God, as well as making the will o f God o f none effect. At this point Paul bursts forth into a doxol- o g y : “ To whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.” This glory o f God the

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