King's Business - 1918-04

God Will Find You Work T IS A B IG RESPONSIB IL ITY to be a Christian and own a Bible. It means no excuse for not being ____ ■•“ thoroughly furnished unto all good works” —“ ap­ proved unto God, workmen who need not to be ashamed.” Unless you know how-to handle “ the Sword o f the Spirit” there can be no intelligent, effective service for Christ. Count the days lost in which you have pot kiiowm your Bible. FIRING BLANK CARTRIDGES God is calling fo r “ laborers” for the great harvest fields—just “ laborers”—‘not necessarily ministers and evangelists—but men who know how ,to use the tools of God—the Scriptures. ^ S t u d y a t h o m e a t y o u r l e i s u r e u n d e r c o m p e t e n t B i b l e I n s t r u c t o r s a n d g e t a c e r t i f i c a t e f r o m t h e B i b l e I n s t i t u t e o f L o s A n g e l e s Strong, thorough, inspiring Correspondence Courses by Dr. II. A. Torrey, Rev. John H. Hinder, Rev. T. G. Horton.' Cost $3 to $5 a course. "Write for bulletin and circular, telling you how-you can easily conduct a popular Bible class in. your home city, giving, instruction on fundamental doctrines. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 6TH AND HOPE STS. KEITH L. BROOKS, Secretary Q U I T

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