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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 COMMISSAIRE À L’INTÉGRITÉ Le conseil municipal du canton d’Alfred- Plantagenet a approuvé le règlement 2023-03 visant à confirmer la firme Cunningham, Swan, Carty, Little & Bonham LLP comme nouvelle firme de consultants pour le poste de commis- saire à l’intégrité de la municipalité. Le poste est d’une durée de deux ans, soit de janvier 2023 à juin 2025. – Gregg Chamberlain RECREATION FEES Some fees for use of municipal rec- reation facilities in Alfred-Plantagenet Township will increase this year. Council approved Bylaw 2023-06 for increases to rental fees for municipal halls, boat launch and marina fees, and other related uses of municipal recreation facilities. – Gregg Chamberlain FRAIS DE LICENCE POUR CHIENS Le coût de l’obtention d’une licence pour chien dans le canton d’Alfred- Plantagenet augmente. Le conseil a approuvé un règlement visant à modifier les frais de licence pour les proprié- taires de chiens. L’obtention d’une licence pour chien ou le renouvellement d’une licence existante coûtera désor- mais 30 $. Les frais de pénalité pour le renouvellement tardif d’une licence augmenteront également. Les droits de licence ne s’appliquent pas aux proprié- taires de chiens-guides pour personnes handicapées. – Gregg Chamberlain
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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
When the provincial and federal govern- ments will announce their budget plans for this year Mayor Yves Laviolette wants to see more money to help rural municipalities with their infrastructure needs. “Definitely grants for roads,” he said EVSJOHBQIPOFJOUFSWJFXi8FOFWFSIBWF enough money for roads.” The mayor of Alfred-Plantagenet Township also indicated that both senior levels of government need to take some kind of action to help curb inflation. Mayor Laviolette noted that rising costs for materials like gravel and asphalt are creating problems with his municipality’s budget plans for road impro- vements and other projects. The township could also use some federal or provincial aid for projects that would make the community more attractive as a place to live and also help with future economic development. One of Mayor Laviolette’s hopes during his mandate is to see the start of planning work for construction of a cultural and recreation centre. Alfred-Plantagenet is one of the few TNBMMSVSBMDPNNVOJUJFTJO&BTUFSO0OUBSJP that does not have a culture and recreatio- nal centre and a past survey of residents
Lorsque les budgets fédéral et provincial seront annoncés plus tard cette année, le maire du canton d’Alfred-Plantagenet espère qu’il y aura plus d’argent pour répondre aux besoins en infrastructures rurales. —photo d’archives
indicated that was a priority item for most people living in the municipality. Help from either level of senior govern- ment with plans for expansion of Alfred-Plan- tagenet’s presence as a riverside community for tourism would also be appreciated. The township has three boat launch sites at 8FOEPWFS 5SFBEXFMM BOE-FGBJWSFCVUPOMZ Lefaivre has a proper marina facility to
service boaters. Mayor Laviolette would like to see enhan- cement work at all three sites, including ins- UBMMBUJPOPGNBSJOBTFSWJDFTBUUIF8FOEPWFS and Treadwell boat launches to help develop Alfred-Plantagenet’s marine tourism trade. “There are boaters in Montréal that would like to come here,” he said, “but there’s no place for them to stay.”
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