CraneHoist 20230703v1

Operations training

Crane and Hoist / V1 2023-07-03

7. MODULE 1 – CRANE AND HOIST BASIC USER 7.1 Aims and Objectives for the Crane and Hoist Basic User Module

The aim of this module is to enable participants, through theoretical and practical training, to ensure safety awareness when using cranes and hoists in service operations and ensure that wind industry personal can safely operate common types of small, fixed cranes (eg 8 metric tons/ metre) and fixed hoists in the wind industry onshore and offshore when following manufactures’ manuals and relevant documentation and legislation. After having successfully completed this Crane and Hoist Basic User Module, the participants will have the ability to take responsibility as a basic user to safely operate common types of fixed cranes and hoists in WTG environment on basic lifts while following manufactures’ manuals and relevant documentation and legislation.

This module does not cover dynamic lifting because these lifts, call for further training due to their complexity and risk level.



Introduction and familiarisation on lifting equipment on site may be required by the responsible duty holder.

Personnel transfer by using a crane introduces additional risks and does not comply with the established safety standards for offshore wind operations.


7.2 Target Group Personnel working within the wind industry conducting pre-planned basic lifting operations onshore and offshore using common types of cranes and hoists and following established procedures. 7.3 Duration of the Crane and Hoist Basic User Module The total contact time for completing the Crane and Hoist Basic User module is 13 hours, 0 minutes.

The training provider must not exceed the time per day given in the table 7.3.1 below.

Maximum Duration Per Day

Contact time

8 hours

Total training day

10 hours

Table 7.3.1 - Maximum durations for training day

Contact time includes delivery of course lesson content, practical exercises and activities directly related to these. The total training day includes contact time, meals and breaks and travel between training sites (where applicable).


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