Operations training
Crane and Hoist / V1 2023-07-03
Learning objective:
22) The participants can recognise the content of a lifting plan and risk assessment (Knowledge, basic level)
The instructor shall:
Present a lifting plan and its main elements and the associated risk assessment
Explain the requirements of the lift plan and risk assessment
Lead a discussion on how to apply a lifting plan on site e.g., in toolbox talks, handouts and digital documentations
The participants shall:
Take part in the discussion and share their experiences with lifting plans, toolbox talks and other relevant documents
Learning objective:
23) The participants can describe the aim and main content of a risk assessment (Knowledge, basic level)
The instructor shall:
Present a risk assessment (template and example)
Lead a discussion on hazards and how to apply the mitigating control measures
The participants shall:
Take part in the discussion about hazards in a lifting operation and about principles of risk control measures
Weather conditions for operation must be part of the risk assessment, including significant wave height and maximum wind speed.
Global Wind Organisation ©2023 / www.globalwindsafety.org
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