Operations training
Crane and Hoist / V1 2023-07-03
Conduct an exercise where the participants are required to discuss and choose crane types in relation to different lifting tasks and operations
Provide feedback to participant groups on their choices and arguments
The participants shall:
In small groups share experiences, and discuss and choose crane types in relation to different lifting tasks and operations, or vice versa
Receive and discuss the feedback in their small groups
Learning objective:
29) The participants can describe different types of hoists typically used in service operations in wind industry (Knowledge, basic level)
The instructor shall:
Present hoist types and their areas of operations, including:
Chain hoist
Wire hoist
Rope hoist
Rail/ trolley hoist
Conduct a paper exercise, where the participants are required to discuss and choose hoist types in relation to different lifting tasks and operations
Provide feedback to participant groups on their choices and arguments
The participants shall:
In small groups, discuss and choose hoist types in relation to different lifting tasks and operations, or vice versa
Receive and discuss the feedback in their small groups
Global Wind Organisation ©2023 / www.globalwindsafety.org
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