Operations training
Crane and Hoist / V1 2023-07-03
Facilitate an exercise on how to recognise the suitability of a lifting route and designated lay down area
Present how to identify hazards associated with blind/restricted visibility lifts and the control measures required for such lifts
Facilitate an exercise where the participants practise the use of hand signals and communication by radios
Facilitate an exercise on how to identify any hazards or potential obstructions in the lifting route and lay down area Support, that participants apply principles of manual handling and good housekeeping during the exercises. Warm-up must be conducted before conducting manual handling tasks Facilitate an exercise on how to prepare the crane and the work area for lifting operations which may include over side lifts (e.g. quayside lifts, lifting over nacelle roof hatch) and ensure the load is rigged per the lift plan Lead a discussion about the effects on weather conditions, moving vessel decks, environmental considerations and the hazards associated with the handling of hazardous goods
Assign practical scenarios-based tasks to the participants on the above listed topics
Provide feedback to the participants on their performance
The participants shall:
Engage and take active part in the exercises and discussions
Share their experiences and considerations
Reflect on the received feedback and consider how to apply the feedback in the following activities and work situations
270 min.
The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to conduct basic lifting operations and operate different types of lifting equipment and accessories safely when following relevant manuals and procedures.
After having successfully completed this lesson the participants can:
58) Take responsibility for applying relevant legislation, requirements, and operating instructions as per manufacturer manual and follow lift plan, risk assessment and work instructions (Ability, intermediate level)
Global Wind Organisation ©2023 / www.globalwindsafety.org
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