CraneHoist 20230703v1

Operations training

Crane and Hoist / V1 2023-07-03

59) Take responsibility for following the slinger signaller/banksman’s visual signals and other relevant means of communication (Ability, intermediate level)


Prior to the practical exercises, instructors and participants should conduct a warm-up program

Aim of this element is to mitigate risks of musculoskeletal injuries from the practical elements of the training and to support manual handling culture of always to warm up prior to physical activities


The following demonstration, presentations and exercises may be conducted in joint scenario-based exercises, where the participants work in pairs or in groups on the different exercises simultaneously; depending on the local training providers training risk assessment.


Learning objectives:

60) The participants can perform attachment of common loads for basic lifts, for example lifting bags and lifting containers (Skills, intermediate level) 61) The participants can assess whether a load is correctly and safely attached to the lifting equipment (Knowledge, advanced level) 62) The participants can act independently to identify potential dynamic hazards during lifting operations (Ability, intermediate level) 63) The participants can recognise and identify fault warnings and alarms from lifting equipment and react as per the instructions given in the operator manual (Knowledge, basic level) 64) The participants can take responsibility to safely stop a lifting operation if potential dynamic hazards are identified and report as per company procedure (Ability, intermediate level) 65) The participants can apply principles of working load limits, safe working load, and rated capacity charts (Skills, intermediate level) 66) The participants can take responsibility for conducting basic lifting operations as per manufacturers and company guidelines and procedures (Ability, intermediate level) 67) The participants can explain effects on the lifting operation from weather conditions, and other environmental considerations (e.g., moving vessel, moving platforms, and up tower movements) (Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

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