Operations training
Crane and Hoist / V1 2023-07-03
Emergency scenarios may be presented by verbal examples, conducted in simulator or simulated on the operating equipment.
The instructor shall:
Present relevant emergency scenario cases
Observe the participant’s reactions and ask clarifying questions to evaluate the participants’ understanding of the relevant safety and emergency reaction
Observe and assess if the participants can apply the emergency action/procedures in a controlled safe manner
Provide feedback and lead a discussion about challenges and advantages of knowing and following emergency procedures If necessary for a participant to reach the learning objective, present another emergency scenario and repeat the process
The participants shall:
React according to the relevant emergency procedure
Receive and reflect on the feedback
If deemed necessary solve an alternative emergency scenario
30 min.
The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to safely shut down, park and secure all lifting equipment and accessories as per manufacturer and company procedures.
After having successfully completed this lesson the participants can:
70) The participants can individually take responsibility to safely park and follow the shutdown procedure for the lifting equipment and accessories on completion of lifting operations (Ability, intermediate level) 71) The participants can take responsibility for charging the remote controller without supervision (Ability, intermediate level) 72) The participants can take initiative to report any defects on lift equipment and accessories (Ability, intermediate level)
Global Wind Organisation ©2023 / www.globalwindsafety.org
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