CraneHoist 20230703v1

Operations training

Crane and Hoist / V1 2023-07-03

The participants shall:

Engage in instructor’s questions and share their experiences on the use of PPE


This element may be conducted in relation to the practical exercises.


General PPE is expected knowledge, and the learning activity should draw on the participants experiences and focus on chemical, hydraulic, mechanical and electrical hazards related to maintenance of cranes and hoist.


30 min

The aim of this lesson is to build on the participants knowledge and experiences on rules and legislation and to enable the participants to be aware of the need to comply to company rules and local legislation when operating, inspecting, and maintaining cranes and hoists

The following types of inspections are covered in this module:

a. Statutory inspection (must be performed as per local legislation)


Maintenance inspection


Pre-use inspection


Post-use inspection

After having successfully completed this lesson:

17) The participants will show interest in following relevant company rules and local legislation when operating, inspecting, and maintaining cranes and hoists (Ability, basic level) 18) The participants can explain how brand-specific, company-specific, and national and local legislation may influence cranes and hoists operations (Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about reasons for following legislation and company rules

Present examples of local legislation and company specific rules, including examples of manuals describing what components may be maintained by which competent persons and what training is required for inspection and maintenance of different crane and hoist types

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