CraneHoist 20230703v1

Operations training

Crane and Hoist / V1 2023-07-03

this training standard, lifting equipment covers common types of fixed cranes and hoist in the wind industry onshore and offshore

Lifting equipment log Refers to the documentation of use, inspection and maintenance


The load includes any material, people, and animals, or any combination of these, that is lifted by the lifting equipment. Loads are often provided with permanent or semi-permanent fixed or attached points for lifting. In most cases, these are considered to be part of the load

Main components

Main components are presented in Annex 2, Training Visuals

Manual Overload Protection System

Manual release of a load in case of unintended overload of the lifting equipment. Purpose of an overload protection system is to prevent overloading of a crane and hoist Routine process to prevent damage, ensure continued safe functionality of equipment and prolong the life expectancy For clarity where the word ‘must’ is used in this standard it shall have the same meaning as ‘shall’ Preventive (or preventative) maintenance is maintenance, that is regularly and routinely performed on physical assets and components to reduce the risk of equipment failure and unplanned machine down time. Effective preventive maintenance is planned and scheduled on real-time data insights and experience The instructor may decide to pose questions for two reasons: 1) to investigate whether the participants have understood what was presented, or 2) to initiate participants reflections on the topic to support their learning



Preventive maintenance

Q & A

Rated Capacity Chart

The crane’s capacity at a certain distance. A rated capacity indicator is attached to the crane

Safe zone

A defined and marked area for people to be safe during lifting operations

Verbal form used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to this training standard and from which no deviation is permitted Verbal form used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required




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Amendment date


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Description of changes

Global Wind Organisation ©2023 /

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