Operations training
Crane and Hoist / V1 2023-07-03
The participants shall:
Engage in the exercises, explain their decisions and choices, and receive feedback
60 min.
The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to inspect and maintain mechanical components of multiple sixed, small crane and hoist types and systems according to manufacturers’ manuals and other relevant documents
After having successfully completed this lesson the participants can:
32) Describe the functions of mechanical components on cranes and hoists (Knowledge, basic level)
33) Can perform visual inspections of the structural integrity of mechanical components on fixed, small cranes and hoists, e.g. paint damage, corrosion, coating defects, and cracks (Skills, intermediate level)
The instructor shall:
Present mechanical components on cranes and hoists, explain their functions and demonstrate how to inspect and maintain these components Facilitate an exercise where the participants practise how to perform visual inspections of the structural integrity of mechanical components of cranes and hoists
Facilitate that participants share experiences and examine the components presented by the instructor
Lead a discussion about maintenance of the presented cranes and hoists components
Provide feedback to the participants about their performance during the exercise
The participants shall:
Share experiences with maintenance of crane and hoist mechanical components and examine the components presented by the instructor
Take part in the exercises and discussion, and receive the instructors’ feedback
Mechanical components of the crane and hoist system are for example: crane wire rope, rail, trolley, chain, sheave and hook
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