CraneHoist 20230703v1

Operations training

Crane and Hoist / V1 2023-07-03

Components of the hydraulic system are for example: hoses and pipes, valves, pumps, motor, and actuator. A basic hydraulic system is presented in Annex 2, Training visuals



20 min

The aim of this lesson is to enable participants to inspect, maintain, and function test electrical components on cranes and hoists in accordance with manufacturers’ manuals and relevant documents

After having successfully completed this lesson the participants can:

36) Describe the functions of electrical components on cranes and hoists according to manufacturers’ manuals (Knowledge, basic level) 37) Can perform inspection and maintenance of electrical components on cranes and hoists in accordance with manufacturers’ manuals, (Skills, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Present electrical components on cranes and hoists, explain how they function and demonstrate how to inspect and maintain these Facilitate an exercise in which the participants practise how to inspect and maintain electrical components on cranes and hoists Facilitate that participants share experiences on electrical systems on cranes and hoists and examine the components presented by the instructor

The participants shall:

Share experiences with crane and hoist electrical components and examine the components demonstrated by the instructor

Take part in the exercise and practise how to inspect and maintain electrical components on cranes and hoists


Components of an electrical system on cranes and hoists are for example: battery charger, remote control, pendant, motor, hoist, lightning protection, limit switches, load cells, cables and plugs


270 min

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