Operations training
Crane and Hoist / V1 2023-07-03
5.2 Target Group Personnel working within the wind industry where the use of lifting equipment to a limited size (eg 8 metric tons/metre) is required for moving loads onshore and offshore.
Personnel, who inspect and maintain lifting equipment within the wind industry.
5.3 Aims and Objectives Training in accordance with this Crane and Hoist Training Standard will enable wind industry personal to safely operate, inspect and maintain common types of fixed, small cranes and hoists in the wind industry by following manufactures manuals, documentation, and relevant legislation. 5.4 Duration of the Crane and Hoist Standard Modules The total contact time for completing the Crane and Hoist Modules is based on the times given in the module timetables and summarised in table 5.4.1 below.
The training provider must not exceed the time per day given in table 5.4.2 below.
Crane and Hoist Basic User
13 hours 0 minutes
Crane and Hoist Inspection and Maintenance
12 hours 30 minutes
Table 5.4.1 - Duration of the GWO Crane and Hoist Modules
Maximum Duration Per Day
Contact time
8 hours
Total training day
10 hours
Table 5.4.2 - Maximum durations for training days
Contact time includes delivery of course lesson content, practical exercises and activities directly related to these. The total training day includes contact time, meals and breaks and travel between training sites (where applicable).
5.5 Validity Period The Crane and Hoist Basic User Module training is an enduring qualification, so a validity period does not apply to this training. This is based on the expectation that the participant is actively working with lifting equipment in a wind
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