Swansea University 2024 Undergraduate Prospectus

• O ver 150 societies and 50+ sports clubs. • U nforgettable student events. • A n Advice and Support Centre helping with everything from landlords to academic disputes. • A n on-campus nursery that’s flexible around students’ lectures. • A voice for the students at the University, ensuring student views are heard at every level. Our Achievements • V oted Top 15 Students' Unions by Student Beans. • Ranked #20 in the Student Crowd Awards Best Universities for Students' Union 2022. • A chieved Excellent in the most recent Green Impact Awards run by SOSUK. • W as awarded NUS Wales Higher Education SU of the Year. SWANSEA UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ UNION OFFERS:

SUPPORTING YOU Our full-time officer team run campaigns throughout the year to raise awareness of important issues, and initiatives to support you! Here are just a few. Study Aid: Free sessions to help you get through intense study periods! From everyone’s favourite cuddle a dog session, to hot drink and snack stations provided in the library to help you push through. Liberation: We want everyone to feel safe, welcome, and included at Swansea. So, we run campaigns throughout the year on topics such as Black History, LGBTQ+ Pride, Disability Awareness, and Trans Rights to educate the wider student community and make our campuses as inclusive as possible! Movember: During Movemeber we mobilise a community of students who make a difference by fundraising and promoting awareness of mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. This is one of our biggest campaigns and is always a whole-university spectacle. If you want to follow us to see what it’s like being a student at Swansea, we’re on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter, you can find us at: @swanseaunisu

Swansea University Students' Union Ball Watch Here:


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