Welcome to DUCKS - An introduction for parents

Each area of learning and development must be implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child- initiated activity. Play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, to think about problems, and relate to others. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults. There is an ongoing judgement to be made by practitioners about the balance between activities led by children, and activities led or guided by adults. Practitioners must respond to each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive interaction. As children grow older, and as their development allows, it is expected that the balance will gradually shift towards more activities led by adults, to help children prepare for more formal learning, ready for Year 1. In planning and guiding children’s activities, practitioners must reflect on the different ways that children learn and reflect these in their practice. Three characteristics of effective teaching and learning are: • playing and exploring - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’; • active learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements; and • creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things. Further detail on the EYFS can be accessed at this address https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_ data/file/596629/EYFS_STATUTORY_FRAMEWORK_2017.pdf There are three rooms in the Kindergarten for three distinct ages and stages of children. The Baby Room accepts children from 6 months, the Toddler Room from 18 months and the Duckling Room is for children who will celebrate their third birthday in that academic year. Every room is staffed by a team of qualified early years practitioners (EYPs). Nursery consists of two mixed ability classes: Moorhen Class and Heron Class. The nursery has two qualified teachers and three teaching assistants based together in our free flow environment. Reception consists of two mixed ability classes: Swan Class and Lapwing Class. Each class has a qualified teacher and a teaching assistant. The Curriculum At DUCKS we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (2017) which provides a framework for the education of the children from birth to 5 years old. The areas cover Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. https://www.gov.uk/early-years-foundation-stage http://www.foundationyears.org.uk/ DUCKS EYFS Learning Environment Classes


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