Hospital Indemnity Select

Claim Example: Barbara Barbara was very grateful ManhattanLife’s Hospital Indemnity plan was there for her! Barbara is 66 and lives in Texas. Last winter, Barbara was diagnosed with strep throat and bronchitis. Her condition then worsened and she was admitted to the hospital and had a 4-day hospital stay. Although Barbara had a Medicare Advantage plan, her out-of-pocket expenses quickly ballooned to $1,500 ($500 for an admission copay and a $250 copay per day for hospitalization).

Let’s look at how it worked out for Barbara

Barbara’s Out-of-Pocket Expenses


Benefits Paid by ManhattanLife

Lump Sum Hospital Rider Benefit Hospital Confinement Benefit Total Amount Paid to Barbara


$2,800 $3,550

Because Barbara had an active ManhattanLife Hospital Indemnity Select plan in place with a Lump Sum Hospital Admission Rider ($500) and a Hospital Confinement Benefit ($700), she was able to offset all of her out-of- pocket costs with this $3,550 in paid benefits.

Not an actual policyholder or claim example - for example purposes only.

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