King's Business - 1964-08

AUGUST, 1964 Thirty Cents


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Published monthly by The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, California •90017. Second-class postage' paid at Los Angeles, California.

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T h o P Q n g s B u L B i n e s B A PUBLICATION OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman AUGUST, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 55, No. 8 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-four Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home IMa THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST — R. G. Lee ............................. 10 WHY GOD GAVE CHILDREN PARENTS — W. Robert Smith 13 C ITY OF THE SICK — Diek Hillis ........................................................... 14 GETTING AWAY FROM THE WORLD — LeRoy Duggan ................ 16 NEVERTHELESS, I LIVE — Beatrice E. Borchardt ............................... 18 THE MUNGANGA'S LAST SAFARI — Peter J. Brashler ................ 20 WHAT PRAYER CAN MEAN — Joyce Landorf .................................. 22 SLANDER OF THE CHRISTIANS — Spiros Zodhiates ........................ 23 THE RESURRECTION OF A NATION — Charles L. Feinberg 24 ADVICE TO CANDIDATES — Nelson S. Dilworth .................. 39 A MESSAGE TO THE INDIANS — Martha S. Hooker.......................... 40 TWELVE RULES — Robert D. Norton ...................................................... 41 A HALF CENTURY OF SERVICE — Elinor Bjornstad ........................ 42 Fedm MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ................ 8 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ............................. 28 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ......................................... 30 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss .................................... 31 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ...................................................... 32 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................... 34 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................................ 35 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ..................... 36 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ...................................................... 37 (M umm PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ....................................................................... 29 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ............................................................................... 44 (W The tidal pools at La Jolla, California are near Scripps Institute of Oceanography, whose pier can be seen at middle right. This can be reached in a drive of an hour or two from Biola's campus at La Mirada. — Church Press photo — A ll Rights Reserved —

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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor

PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager

VIRGINIA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker




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SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business."

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AUGUST, 1964

a message from the editor

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AGAIN ATHEISM REARS ITS UGLY HEAD n * u r in g t h e depression years o f the decade beginning in 1930, an organization known as the AAA A or the American Association for the Advancement o f Atheism, flourished in this country with ever-increasing vigor. Many unthinking individ­ uals took up the cry, " I f there is a God, why does He allow so much suffering and misery in the world?” They had come to the conclusion that because God did not act in the way in which they thought He should, that consequently there must be no God. Hence they joined the cause for the advancement o f atheism. Incidentally, it is interesting to note that these same individuals, during the comparatively prosperous years o f the so-called "roar­ ing twenties” never gave a thought to God. They had ruled Him out o f their minds and activities completely. Because they were smug and affluent, they professed no need for God in their lives. But when trouble came and He did not spring to their aid, they claimed to believe there was no God in heaven. This atheistic organization produced many blasphemous pamphlets, booklets and periodicals. Then toward the end o f the thirties rumblings o f war were heard. Finally, early in the 1940s, the world, which soon included the United States, was plunged into the awful maelstrom o f World War II. Trench warfare, as experienced in World War I, was a thing o f the past. Armies moved too rapidly to build trenches and defend them. The new war was mobile, mechanized. Infantries o f the various countries defended themselves from barrages and enemy attack by the simple process o f each man’s finding for himself or digging for


MARRIED COUPLES ELOHIM BIBLE INSTITUTE %Castile, New York Family Bible School for Married Folks! One of the^ Church's greatest potentials for Christ's service is in the Bible believing mar­ ried couples of America who are willing to dedicate their lives to HIM and follow that dedication with thorough Bible preparation. 152 graduates serving CHRIST on 74 home and foreign fields. Couples with children accepted. if you mean business with God, write Rev. Donald M. Perkins, Box 415, Castile, N.Y. THE CONVERSION CENTER Inc. A soul-winning mission to Roman Catholic priests, nuns and people. , 500 million Roman Catholics lost without love, trapped by traditions, paralyzed by popery, deceived by the Devil. 47,000 priests, 118,000 nuns dedicated to “ MAKE AMER­ ICA CATHOLIC.” W ill you help keep America free to evangelize the world? Pray, give, write for soul-winning material. 18 W. Eagle Rd., Havertown, Pennsylvania Rev. Alex O. Dunlap, Director


’ where he would be less vulnerable to shrap- |hine gun fire. Not long after American in active combat, there traveled back to -to-be-forgotten saying, "There are no In other words, when a brave soldier (or fe to face with the imminency o f death and les o f him, instinctively his mind turns to [that he may be the next to pass from this he realizes that in this event he would be


ushered into the presence o f the God o f the universe. Not dying as a dog dies, he must face an eternity which follows the brief span o f this life. During those tense moments, hours and days o f meeting death face to face, the servicemen found atheism to be unsatisfying, insufficient, unbelievable. It had nothing to offer the human mind and heart in its last hours. When men expect to awaken on the morrow, they love to rationalize, philosophize and theorize about the existence and nature o f God. But when they come up against the stark reality that at any moment they are likely to face their Creator, it is a different matter. Life takes on an altered significance. Then God becomes very real; death becomes very real; the life hereafter becomes just as real. The prospect o f spending eternity apart from God and all that is good is appalling. The remembrance o f sins unforgiven is frightening. As a result, men cry out for some­ thing or someone who can give peace o f mind and rest o f heart and assurance o f heaven. Incredibly, we are now witnessing a resurgence o f this same skeptical, cynical attitude toward God which existed during the late twenties and the thirties. In an economy where there is abun­ dant food for practically everyone, plenty o f money with which to enjoy all the necessities and most o f the luxuries o f life; where there are comfortable homes, high-powered automobiles, excel­ lent highways, interesting places to visit and intriguing things to do, people seem to have little need for God. A man has every­ thing his heart desires today; tomorrow will be same. So why should he concern himself with the indefinite, distant future? There will be plenty o f time to consider that when one is old. People look at themselves; they see the results o f the labors o f their own minds and hands; they note that everything is compara­ tively good and they exclaim, "Observe what I have accom­ plished! I have done this for myself. There is nothing I cannot do as evidenced by what I have done already.” So God is ruled out o f man’s thought and life. Recently there arrived in California, according to newspaper accounts o f June 13, 1964, the Baltimore divorcee, Mrs. Madalyii Murray, America’s best-known atheist, who proudly calls her­ self, "the most hated woman in America.” She came to conduct a series o f speaking engagements in the Southern California area. According to the newspaper accounts, she stated, "Most people in this country have tremendous doubts about religion.” She told o f the "Atheist Information Center” being built in Kansas. When completed, this center will be used to educate fellow- atheists in unbelief so that they can "proselytize” for the cause. She said, "These people will not serve as missionaries. However, they will serve to help those Americans, and there are millions o f them, who have doubts about religion.” She cited specifically the six million Americans listed in the 1960 census as having "no religious preference.” (continued on page 38)

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AUGUST, 1964


I F the B ible , Book above and beyond all books as a river is beyond a rill in reach, as God’s sun is above man’s cluster of candles in brightness, speaks with more emphasis about any one thing than any other, it is the certainty of Christ’s coming to earth again. Christ’s second coming is one of the cornerstones upon which the temple of God’s plan for the world is erected. The new birth, so strongly emphasized by Jesus, is spoken of nine times. Baptism is mentioned twenty times. Repentance is spoken of seventy times.. In the Old Testament there are at least three hundred prophecies concerning the coming of Christ the first time. As beacon lights on the hills of God’s landscape, the proph­ ecies shone—and still shine. And about three hundred and eighty verses in the New Testament refer to Christ’s coming the second time. Towering pre-eminence the Scriptures everywhere assign to Christ’s second coming. Of all the thousands of verses in the New Testament, one out of every twenty-five verses points forward with eager gestures to the appearing again of the Lord Jesus. Presently it is set forth as the great hope of the church, as the consummation of all promises, as the coronation of all evangelical and evangelistic and missionary hopes, as the sum of all prophecy and prayer. Frequently, we are told that Jesus is coming back to reign in righteousness. Then the present apostasy of the church, the increasing sinfulness of mankind, the problems o f our sinful world—war, class, race, national hatred, and prejudices, industrial injustice, drunken­ ness, cruelty, ignorance, lust, greed—shall be eradicated and not by human effort. There are those who preach and teach that “ the re­ demption of mankind rests with science, philosophy, education, and so far as religion shall effect it, it will be by preaching against war, capitalism and national­ ism, and so thereby creating a new social order and changing the world over to become the kingdom of God.” All of this is against the entire plan for world redemp­ tion—as set forth in the Bible. Many Mistakes There are some who, with inexcusable error, mis­ takenly declare that Christ’s spiritual presence is Christ’s second coming. To many Christ is a real Presence today, but that is distinct from His visible second coming. If His second coming is spiritual, t!hen the same law of interpretation will make the first coming spiritual. “ Every eye (not every mind) shall see him.” Some believe that death is the second coming. Not so! The Bible says: “ The Lord himself.” When a Chris-


tian dies, Christ does not descend from heaven with a shout. No dead person arises. Nobody is caught up in the clouds. Nobody meets the Lord in the air. No such events take place until Christ returns. No such events occur at death. Therefore, the second coming can not mean death. Some mistakenly declare that regeneration is the second coming of Christ. But the Bible says: “ The Lord himself!” The regeneration of a sinner is as the wind. “ The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit” (John 3 :8 ). But this is the first event in a sinner becoming a Christian. Glorious it is when a sinner is saved—when drunkards become sober, when infidels become believers, when liars become truthful, when people born once are born again. But the salvation of a sinner is not the second coming. Pentecost is not the substitute for the coming of Christ, even though there are those who say that the predictions regarding Christ’s return were fulfilled on that day. Many of the promises regarding the second coming were made after the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came. And none of the events of I Thes- salonians 4 :16, 17 occurred on the Day of Pentecost. On that momentous day, there was no resurrection of the dead, no believers caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. The Lord Himself is' coming bodily, visibly, really, actually, corporeally, gloriously, person­ ally. More startling than the scenes of Pentecost, more momentous than the fall o f Jerusalem, more significant than the indwelling of the Spirit, more beautiful than the conversion of a sinner, more to be desired than our departure to be with the Lord, will be the literal, visi­ ble, bodily return of Christ. Great disturbances in nature are not to be called Christ’s second coming. God’s power may be revealed, the hand o f God may be seen, and the voice of God heard in each disturbance. “ Earthquakes may be the tread of His feet, the lightning flashes the light of His eyes, the thunder the sound of His voice, the clouds the dust of His traveling chariots.” But this is not what the Bible means by the coming of Christ to manifest Him­ self to the world. Christ’s second coming is not His conquest in the world with the gospel. His conquests have been glorious, His victories marvelous, the winning power of the gospel manifested everywhere. Christ has made con­ quests. He is still making conquests. Christians, believ­ ing the gospel—that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, was dead, was buried, and rose again

—by heroic endurance, by stainless innocence, by burn­ ing zeal, by inviolate truthfulness, by boundless love, fought against the indignant world and won. But that is not what the Bible means by Christ’s second coming again to this world. Mystery Dr. Scpfield says that a “mystery” in Scripture is a previously hidden truth now divinely revealed, but in which a supernatural element still remains despite the revelation. The dictionary says of this word: “ Some­ thing unexplainable or incomprehensible.” Of a number of mysteries mentioned in the Bible one of the most momentous is the second coming of the Lord. Paul writes: “ Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed” (I Corinthians 15:51). Not all Christians will die. The “ catching up” of the living saints at Christ’s coming will be, as Snyder says, something that will be unexplainable and incompre­ hensible, by the most brilliant of earth’s scientists. “ Every living Christian, including every baby, will suddenly disappear. They will go up from hospital beds, automobiles, airplanes, ships, workshops, streets, fields, houses, everywhere and from every nation.” “Where are they?” will be the question asked all around the earth. Nobody will be able to explain it. Mystery beyond the human mind to explain. “And the dead shall be raised incorruptible.” Both the saved dead and the living believer will be translated together, and will meet the descending Lord in the air. Some Christians will never die. One genera­ tion of believers will be living when Christ returns, and they will be given bodies “ fashioned like unto Christ’s own glorious body” and taken up without the experience of death. In this marvelous change, they will be “ clothed upon with the glory of immortality”— “ in a moment, in the twinkling o f an eye at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible” (I Corinthians 15:51, 52 and II Corinthians 5 :4 ). He went up bodily. He will return bodily. He went up visibly. He will return visibly. He went up in a cloud. He will return in a cloud. He went up from Mount Olivet. He will return to Mount Olivet (Zechariah 14:4). Yes, together the saved dead and living Christians will rise to meet Christ in the air, be greeted by Him, and dwell with Him—being “ ever with the Lord” (I Thessalonians 4:17). All these glorious events, not through ages of evolu­ tion, but “ in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at (continued on next page)

AUGUST, 1964


and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them” (Isaiah 65:20-23). It will be a time when the whole of creation shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption (Romans 8 :21, 22)—a time when the sons of God shall be manifested with the Son of God (Romans 8:19, 23)—a time when the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14; Hebrews 8:11). This is no incident nor accident, but the purpose of God. This kingdom, ordained from the beginning, is no post-creation after-thought of God but a pre-creation thought in His mind from all eternity. Ordained from the beginning, this reign of Jesus on this earth is the green, flower-scented oasis in the desert of time. This kingly administration of Jesus will be personal, and not just spiritual. Dr. Len G. Broughton says: “ Language can not be made any plainer than that which is used descriptive of Christ’s second coming and the establishment of His kingdom. If His second coming is spiritual, and the kingdom which He is coming to establish is likewise spiritual, then the same law of interpretation will make His first coming spiritual. Oh, what a calamity this would be! It would rob the manger of its poetry and pathos. It would stop the song of the angel chorus on the morning of His birth. It would annul the matchless teaching, by precept and example, of our blessed Lord. It would climb the slopes of Calvary and hide away the blood of the covenant. It would pass over as a myth the story of the sepulchre, and frown with scorn upon the glories of Olivet. If the second coming of Jesus is spiritual the sublimest picture con­ tained in the gallery of inspired truth is destroyed, that picture of the disciples assembled together on the day of His ascension when the invisible chariot of God, let down from heaven, caught up the Saviour, and bore Him away to His far away home in the glory.” When Jesus comes, the pattern prayer of the saints, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” will be heard. Jesus, the rejected, will seize the reins of government and rule in beneficent power and victory. Isaiah declared: “ Then the moon shall be con­ founded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously” (Isaiah 24:23). Micah said: “ And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord” (Micah 4 :2 ). David, in his Messianic Psalm, said: “ In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth” (Psalm 72:7, 8). Nature and grace alike proclaim a glorified Messiah coming again from heaven, in His almightiness, as indispensable to complete their appointed courses. Na­ ture calls for Him thus to rectify her unwilling disorder, to repair her shattered structures, to restore her op­ pressed energies, to vindicate the voice of conscience long despised, to verify her sublime testimony to the Creator as long questioned and overlooked. His coming again is as certain as that God’s honor is at stake in every promise He makes. His glorious coming again, with all its attendant circumstances and its effect upon the church, is the sublime motive for evangelistic and missionary activity—not the dreams of ignorant fana­ tics, not the creation of speculation in theology. It is a divinely revealed truth. , „ — Courtesy the Watchman-Examiner TH I KING'S BUSINKSS

the last trump” (I Corinthians 15:52). We take twelve thousand photos in one second by means of the kineto- scope camera. By means of radio the human voice is speeded around the world seven times in one second. Our airplanes cover great distances— crossing oceans and continents in just a little while. But how slow all this is when compared with the quick and instantaneous return to earth of Jesus. The taking of Christians out of the world will usher in the great tribulation. After the rapture of the living Christians and the resurrection of the dead Christians the unrighteous dead and the unrighteous living are left. The unrighteous dead shall sleep on in their graves until the thousand years of the reign of Christ is past. Immediately following the rapture of the saints at the first is the period of the great tribulation. The Devil is in absolute control. The Holy Spirit’s day has passed. And concerning those days, Matthew writes: “ For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” (Matthew 24:21, 22). This tribulation will make the world famine seem as a feast, the world’s worst wars seem as children’s parties. But when Christ and His bride are united in the air then Christ will come to earth and the Devil is cast into the bottomless pit. Millennium The word “ millennium” is not a scriptural word, but it expresses a scriptural fact. It comes from the Latin word mill and annus signifying one thousand years. For justification in using it, we read: “ Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years” (Revelation 20:6). The millennium has to do with the establishment of the kingdom of heaven upon earth. It is the time when “ the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ.” It will be a time when all nations shall dwell under the blessing of God. “ In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians. In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land: whom the Lord of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance” (Isaiah 19:23-25). It will be a time when nations learn war no more, but will beat their swords into plowshares. “ And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plow­ shares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Isaiah 2 :4 ). It is a time when the world will have an administra­ tion of righteousness. “ Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment” (Isaiah 32:1). It is a time when life will be lengthened and when death will be exceptional. “ There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed. And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant,


by Dr. W. Robert Smith

W HILE FLYING to speak at a Boston college, I select­ ed Luke’s gospel as a study for my devotions. A passage struck my eye concerning Zacharias and the birth of John the Baptist. He, of course, was the fore­ runner of our Saviour, preaching the baptism of repent­ ance and salvation. In speaking of John’s purpose in coming, the Scripture states that one of his ministries was “ to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to walk in the wisdom of the just” (Luke 1:17). The last two verses of Malachi declare, “ Behold, I will send you Elijah, the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” The real hunger in every human soul is for love. The Lord has made us this way. There are hearts hungry for the love of a father and mother and for the fellow­ ship of a real home. We are restless until we find this because it is a foretaste of the love of God manifest in Jesus Christ and through the life and soul of a human being. The Biblical concept of parenthood is not that the father and the mother are purely responsible for the life of the child but that the parents are to be guides and overseers to bless, love and direct the lives of their children. One of the students at Bethel College, at St. Paul, was going out in the summer to reach the lives of some of the young people in his home town. He sought to cul­ tivate their friendship by playing baseball with them. Then he began to talk to them about the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. He spoke of the real meaning of the love of Christ in their lives. He told them about God, our heavenly Father. One boy’s face clouded and out of the deep trouble of his soul he said, “What did you say? If God is anything like my old man, you can keep Him!” What an example his dad had set. Every child hungers for love. In our home town a father and a mother were constantly quarreling. Finally they decided to separate. The mother became enamoured of another man. In her sinfulness she decided to aban­ don her husband and four children. Her husband said, “ Sweetheart, I love you. I want you to stay with the children.” She said, “No, I don’t love you, and I don’t want any of you any more.” His natural question was, “Well, what can I do for the children? How can I pro­ vide for them? I can’t stay at home. They need a mother.” She didn’t care. She abandoned them all. The youngest was a little boy only a few months old. The father, not wanting to give up his children for adop­ tion, decided he would put them in foster homes. This

little lad was taken by a godly Christian family. There they loved him and he came to think of them as his real father and mother. He lived there for something over four years. Then the father decided that he would remarry. He began to collect his children from foster homes. But now, the real mother jealously came back into the picture. She insisted on having the right of taking the children at least part of the time. By some strange miscarriage of justice she was given the privi­ lege. The little lad was badgered between his own mother who had abandoned him and his new step­ mother. His foster mother, whom he counted as his real mother, was never seen. He languished and became weaker and weaker. Finally he was hospitalized and died. One of the medical men said to me, “We had an autopsy and the only thing we could sort out was that this little child died of a broken heart. He no longer wanted to live.” In a hospital -in New York City they have some young men and women whose chief function it is just to love the sick boys and girls. They are not there to give injections or to carry on any kind of medical care. Their one and only job is love. An interesting thing took place in one of our local courts. There was a young man who was a juvenile de­ linquent. Brought up before the judge for the second time, parole was not possible. The judge said, “ I must sentence you to a correctional institution.” His father was an upstanding and respected man in our commu­ nity. The jurist continued, “ Son, why have you done this ? There isn’t anything that your father and mother wouldn’t do for you. Here you’ve broken their hearts. There’s your mother weeping and your father deeply grieved. Why have you done this?” The boy spoke up, “Your honor, you’ve asked me. It’s true there wasn’t anything my father wouldn’t do for me but there was nothing my father ever did with me. All I wanted was my father’s love and affection. There was no friend­ ship or understanding. He thought he could buy these things and satisfy his own conscience. I sought my companionship elsewhere. I will pay my price; I will not whimper. But ask yourself who is really guilty.” You may ask, “ But how do you love a child?” The first thing is that you must communicate with him. Tell him that you love him and mean it. Provide an atmosphere of love in which he finds acceptance. Let your love be poured out without selfish concern. And what will be your pattern? The Lord Jesus Christ Him­ self. He will give you the strength, too, as you seek it through His Word and by the power of the indwell­ ing Holy Spirit.

AUGUST, 1964


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the sick

by Dr. Dick Hillis

Founder-Director, Overseas Crusades

medical scientists admit they know very little about it, I must praise them for their diligent search, their dominant courage in facing insur- mountable problems, and their deep dedication to the cause of caring for the body. These are people who care — who really care — and will do everything they can to help you. Their care is for the body . . . the body which is but dust . . . the body that in spite of all medical science can do will some day return to dust. But man is not all body. He is a living soul. Who cares about his undying soul? While at the clinic I found a doc­ tor who was concerned for both the body and the soul. Dr. Carl Morlock

T h e r e is n o t h i n g like it in the world. People . . . hundreds of them . . . thousands of them . . . come from every state in the Union and from many foreign countries. Many of them speak foreign languages. They do not look alike but they have one thing in common. . . . they all need help. They are sick. For some this city may be their last hope. For others it is not that serious. You see them young and old. You find them in wheel chairs and on crutches. Some drag themselves along as if each step might be their last. Others are marked by that pasty un­ healthy look. Pain is written deep on the lined faces of many. Some seem afraid. Most will get well. A few are

beyond human help. As t write I am seated in a com­ fortable chair on the ninth floor of the famous Mayo Clinic. This “ city of the sick” is perhaps the greatest medical center in the world. It in­ cludes some 400 full-time professional staff physicians and about 2,000 other employees. It exists to “ offer to all who come medical care of the highest standard.” My eight days here have been a schooling. The care, the efficiency, the tremendous scientific and medical knowledge, the skill, and the dedi­ cation leave me without words to describe it. I have a new appreciation for the marvels of the body. What a wonderful creation it is! Although



was extremely careful in giving me my physicial examination. He never missed a thing. That same care showed as he conversed about the needs of the soul. As busy as he was he always had time to help meet the spiritual needs. His head and heart were just as sensitive to the “big ache” of the spirit as to the “ little afche” of the body. Although' this doctor is the busy Professor of Clinical Medicine at Mayo Clinic, he never gave you the uneasy feeling that he didn’t have time for you. The reason he has time for man is that he has time for God. He tries to set aside some time each day for Bible study and prayer. When the press of work crowds out that time he says, “ I find that my personal life suffers.” It is the doctor’s love for the Word

It takes courage to care. It requires putting aside your own problems and needs and being concerned and com­ passionate for the needs of others. In our Lord’s story in Luke 10, He tells of the man who was robbed, beaten and left dying at the road side. A priest and a Levite go by. They are men dedicated to the cause of God. They came, they saw, and they passed by . . . those verbs eloquently reveal that they didn’t care. It was the de­ spised Samaritan who cared. He cared enough to act and care saved the life of the dying Jew. How much do you care? Have you ever pointed a dying soul to the source of life? The great Nehemiah, Prime Minister of the Persian Kingdom, cared — that cost him the feeding of 150 people for 12 months. Few of us are Nehemiahs but all can care. The little boy with the five loaves and two fishes also cared. He didn’t have what Nehemiah had, but what he had he gave. This made the differ­ ence between a multitude of people being fed or going hungry. The dis­ ciples tried to make out that the problem was the tremendous discrep­ ancy between demand and supply. Actually, this was not the case. It was that they did not care enough to let it cost them anything. They had not learned that spirituality and liberality are Siamese twins. Because Christ cared He lived and that life was for others. When He saw a need how quickly He acted — how superabundantly He gave of Himself. Because Christ cared He also died . . . died “not for our’s only, but also for the sins of the whole world” (I John 2:2). You and I pass through this world but once. It is good to ask the ques­ tion, “What am I living for?” It is startling, but realistic, to ask, “What am I dying for?” Is it for self? Then note the warning, “Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not.” When death puts its kiss upon my lips, will those who miss me say, “He was a man who really cared?” When the Saviour greets me will He say, “Well done thou good and faith­ ful servant” (Matthew 25:21) be­ cause I was a man who cared? Henry Drummond wrote, “There is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving.” If you really care, that care will express itself in a concern filled with compassion which will cause you to serve others for Jesus’ sake. Be ft known that what you keep you lose and what you give you keep. For “ it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Give of yourself. Give of your wealth. That is living.

mankind, diagnose the disease and know the cure in no way proves that you really care. You can only prove it by bringing the sick to the Saviour. The more you care the more alive you will become. But before you read on let me warn you it is cheaper and safer not to care. David Livingstone was a man who cared, but it cost him everything. He said, “ I place no value on anything I have or may possess, except in relationship to the extension of the Kingdom of Christ.” The young Hudson Taylor was a man who cared. God used him to found the great China Inland Mis­ sion. As a young man he expressed his care in these words, “ I feel as if I cannot go on living unless I do something for China.” You can’t read about the Apostle Paul without seeing that he was a

man who cared. “Neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus to testify of the Gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24). The Bible certainly proves that Mo­ ses had the same kind of heart, “ es­ teeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt” (Hebrews 11:26). It cost him the throne. He cared —; cared for the things for which God cared. God’s business became his business. God’s concerns were his concerns. We are surrounded by a world that just doesn’t care. We even find this lack of concern in the church. It is worthy of notice that three Tibetan families will guarantee full support for one Tibetan priest. When it comes to the Church of Jesus Christ it takes 2,296 Protestants to support one mis­ sionary. Why? Because that is all we care.

of God that gives him the correct at­ titude toward God and his fellow men. Recently Dr. Morlock wrote, “An­ swers to daily problems come from the Book itself. It begins to speak as the voice of God, and its study be­ comes an ever-fresh experience.” What would happen if every Chris­ tian doctor expressed a care for the soul of man as well as for his body? The diseases of the body are many and varied. The disease of the soul is one. It is the disease that separates man from God and it is called sin. Since there is only one disease, there is but one cure. That cure was pro­ vided by God Himself through His salvation. It is received by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Without it all men are dead—doomed and damned — but who cares? The world in which we live is like the “ city of the sick” — all who enter are in need . . . spiritual need. The fact that you see the need of


AUGUST, 1964



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G e t t i n g Aw a y f r om t h e Wo r l d

by LeRoy Duggan

G od put the church into the world, and the devil put the world into the church,” cried a preacher some years ago. In one way he was absolutely right, but in another way he was absolutely wrong. There can be no doubt that back in the wings the devil has been pulling some strings, but up in the center of the

stage, it’s the church herself which has been making love to the world. It’s sheer folly to say that the world has been making inroads in the church. The inroads have long since become cultivated fields, seeded with the devil’s doctrines and the devil’s practices ! The church has been squeezed in the mold of the world so

long that she has largely lost the image of her Maker. This is one of the great tragedies of our day. But wait a moment—it will do us no good to speak about the “ church” as if it were an abstraction. We must talk about ourselves individu­ ally; otherwise, what God has to say about worldiness will never touch us.



So from this point onward, let us look at ourselves. What do we see? Well, the usual picture is something like this: an ordinary professing Christian with a set of standards drawn largely from his environment. (1) I don’t dance (we don’t believe in that in our church). 2. I don’t smoke (we have always been told not to). (3) I would never go into a movie theater (the preacher says that’s worldly). 4. I never drink (I never could stand the smell of the stuff). (5) I live a “ separated” life (I’m proud of it !). If you happen to be a woman, you’ll add to this list of standards, “ I don’t wear excessive make-up because that is a mark of the world.” Now wait a minute. All of the rules mentioned above are fine. But the fact of the matter is that you can keep them all and still be as worldly as the devil himself. Wait now, read­ er. Don’t throw the magazine down. Hear me out, please. I know it’s worldly to dance and go to shows and all the rest; but those things are not the essence of worldiness. At the bottom, worldliness is something far beyond (or should I say beneath?) all such practices. I’ve been in homes where the occupants would rather die than be seen in a theater, and yet they are up to their nostrils in the suffocating sin of worldiness. What do I mean? Well, let’s look to­ gether in the Bible and get heaven’s point of view. The first thing to grasp is God’s definition of the world. “World” is mentioned about two hundred times in the New Testament, and it sim­ ply means “ this age, or present ar­ rangement of things.” The next thing to note is God’s description of the nature of this world. If we put the most important New Testament Scriptures on the subject together, we come up with a compact descrip­ tion. The world is an arrangement of things which are evil, antagonis­ tic to God and His saints, defiling, presently ruled by Satan, and des­ tined for judgment (Gal. 1:4; John 7:7; James 1:27; John 14:30; Eph. 2 :2 ; John 16:8). Now we must find out what God says about our relationship to such a twisted thing. Again, compressing many Scripture passages into one sentence, we discover the plain will of God about the matter. Notice: We have been delivered from the world, and hence are to deny it, re­ fuse to conform to it, keep unspotted from it, be crucified to it, and be positively antagonistic to it( Gal. 1:4; Titus 2:12; Kom. 12:2; James 1:27; Gal. 6:14; Heb. 11:7; John 12:25). God uses very potent words

at this point because He anticipates the working of a potent force against Him. Read through those phrases again. Is that a descrip­ tion of your relationship to this present order of things? Finally, what then, according to the Bible, is worldliness? Resorting once again to brevity, we can state it this way. Worldliness is a wrong relationship to this present order of things— the "world.” Notice, please —a wrong relationship. That means it’s essentially a matter of the heart. We are inclined to describe it in terms of nouns — movies, make-up, money, etc. But God describes it in terms of verbs. He says, “ If any man love the world. . .” ; "gain the whole world. . .” ; “ hate not his own life in this present world. . .” ; “will be a friend of the world. . .” These are verbs of attitude. They eventu­ ally produce verbs of action, it is true, but the attitude precedes the action. If a woman abstains from liquor but would be delighted to have a drink if her social circumstances permitted, then she is as worldly as the alcoholic in the gutter. The essential difference between the two is that she is hypocritical about the matter and he is not. If a “ saintly” girl gasps at the sight of lipstick but craves new clothes, she may be a thousandfold more worldly than the painted lady who has so jarred her sense of propriety. The young man who piously frowns at his schoolfel­ lows’ beer drinking but cannot tear his mind away from the car in his own garage may be more worldly than they. If the gentleman who is so shocked at the apparent worldli­ ness of modern fashions cannot stop overeating, his problem is probably more acute than that of the folks who wear the clothes he detests. You see, God does not say, “ Love not the beer, or the lipstick, or the clothes.” He says, “ Love not the world.” We are the ones who have decided which things are to be loved and which things are to be shunned. But God has been much more inclusive. He plunges to the core of the thing and insists, “Fix your heart on nothing but Me!” Anything less than that is worldliness, because anything less than that is wrong relationship to the world. Two more things need to be said. The first thing to face squarely and frankly is this: As far as God is concerned, there is no such thing as a worldly Christian. If a person becomes worldly, he is not a Chris­ tian. Hold it! Don’t say what you’re thinking. You may search every verse in all the New Testament and

you will find much said about the world and the worldly sinner, but you will find nothing about a worldly saint. John said, “ If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (I John 2:15). Finally we must ask, “ How can a Christian ever become worldly?” The brief and simple answer to this is suggested to us by James when he wrote, “ Pure religion . . . is this . . . to keep oneself unspotted from the world” (James 1 :27). A Chris­ tian can become a worldling by con­ tact with the world. Spots always come by contact. We are in a world which is defiling. The keeping power of God extends to the perimeter of our necessary contact with the world, but it does not extend one inch beyond. The moment a Chris­ tian steps beyond that borderline, he has no promise of God’s preserving presence. He loses cleansing contact with God and establishes a corrupt­ ing contact with the world. What begins as contact from with­ out is soon transformed to content within—and he has become worldly. The Christian who argues that what he toys with externally cannot dam­ age him internally is a complete fool. The reason is that he has lost sight of the fact that with every “ thing” of the world is the “ spirit” of the world (I Cor. 2:12; Eph. 2 :2 ). You may dawdle with something of the world (I John 2:15) and then throw it aside. But throwing the thing aside does not mean that you have cast the spirit of the world aside. The thing cannot move into your heart, but the spirit can; and that is the very crux of worldliness. A church service was once delayed because the preacher was late. It was decided that the interim should be taken up with testimonies. One of those who stood to his feet to bear witness was a Jewish lad who had been thrown out of his home be­ cause of his declaration for Christ. While everyone listened, he recited, among other things, the verse, "Tempt not my soul away; Jesus is mine. Here would I ever stay; Jesus is mine. Perishing things of clay, born but for one brief day, Pass from heart away; Jesus is mine.” The world may continue crashing through the church, but it will never pierce you if you determine in your heart what that boy determined in his! Reprinted by permission from LeRoy Dugan's new book, Youth’s Exciting Possibilities, pub­ lished by Bethany Fellowship, Inc., copyright 1963. Available from the Biola Book Room, price $1.00.

AUGUST, 1964


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