King's Business - 1964-08

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the sick

by Dr. Dick Hillis

Founder-Director, Overseas Crusades

medical scientists admit they know very little about it, I must praise them for their diligent search, their dominant courage in facing insur- mountable problems, and their deep dedication to the cause of caring for the body. These are people who care — who really care — and will do everything they can to help you. Their care is for the body . . . the body which is but dust . . . the body that in spite of all medical science can do will some day return to dust. But man is not all body. He is a living soul. Who cares about his undying soul? While at the clinic I found a doc­ tor who was concerned for both the body and the soul. Dr. Carl Morlock

T h e r e is n o t h i n g like it in the world. People . . . hundreds of them . . . thousands of them . . . come from every state in the Union and from many foreign countries. Many of them speak foreign languages. They do not look alike but they have one thing in common. . . . they all need help. They are sick. For some this city may be their last hope. For others it is not that serious. You see them young and old. You find them in wheel chairs and on crutches. Some drag themselves along as if each step might be their last. Others are marked by that pasty un­ healthy look. Pain is written deep on the lined faces of many. Some seem afraid. Most will get well. A few are

beyond human help. As t write I am seated in a com­ fortable chair on the ninth floor of the famous Mayo Clinic. This “ city of the sick” is perhaps the greatest medical center in the world. It in­ cludes some 400 full-time professional staff physicians and about 2,000 other employees. It exists to “ offer to all who come medical care of the highest standard.” My eight days here have been a schooling. The care, the efficiency, the tremendous scientific and medical knowledge, the skill, and the dedi­ cation leave me without words to describe it. I have a new appreciation for the marvels of the body. What a wonderful creation it is! Although



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