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G e t t i n g Aw a y f r om t h e Wo r l d
by LeRoy Duggan
G od put the church into the world, and the devil put the world into the church,” cried a preacher some years ago. In one way he was absolutely right, but in another way he was absolutely wrong. There can be no doubt that back in the wings the devil has been pulling some strings, but up in the center of the
stage, it’s the church herself which has been making love to the world. It’s sheer folly to say that the world has been making inroads in the church. The inroads have long since become cultivated fields, seeded with the devil’s doctrines and the devil’s practices ! The church has been squeezed in the mold of the world so
long that she has largely lost the image of her Maker. This is one of the great tragedies of our day. But wait a moment—it will do us no good to speak about the “ church” as if it were an abstraction. We must talk about ourselves individu ally; otherwise, what God has to say about worldiness will never touch us.
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