King's Business - 1964-08

two daughters, Edith and Esther, who were born at Aba. The former is presently residing in South Africa with her husband Mr. Evert Kleynhans and their family. The latter is married to Dr. Wayne Meyers, who has been associated with the A.I.M. in a Leprosy Re­ search Program. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to these dear friends. What does this do to the A.I.M. medical situation in the Congo? It was already critical before losing one o f the key doctors. Zandeland is the northwestern sec­ tor of the field covering some 135,000 square miles. In this vast area the Mission has only one hospital under the care of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Brown, and one nurse, Miss Anne Willson. A year ago Mrs. Brown suffered a heart attack, and at present they are home on a medical furlough. The Mission has its second hospital at Aba where Dr. Kleinschmidt literally burned out his life in an overworked program. With Mrs. Klein­ schmidt leaving on furlough soon, an intolerable situa­ tion faces Nurse Mary White. Our two hospitals in the southern sector of our fields are also pressed beyond measure to try to maintain the status quo. All of this is in a land where government medical facilities are hopelessly inadequate. To heal the sick is not only a wonderful channel through which converts can be won for our Lord, but it is also an obligation that we have in this new fledgeling country of the Republic of Congo. To adequately care for our medical obligations, we need at least six doctors to replace the old Munganga who has taken his last safari, and twice as many nurses. We beg our friends to make this a matter of impor­ tunate prayer.

that Doctor had received the Saviour at the early age of five, and had always maintained a glowing testi­ mony, even through all of his student days. While a young intern, a supervisor of nurses was impressed by this young doctor because he was so morally upright and Dr. Kleinschmidt was able to lead her to the Lord. Later he married her and took her to Africa, and worked sacrificially with her for 41 years. The message given was based on the theme, “ The Doctor’s Last Safari.” For this trip the doctor was well-prepared, knowing where he was going, and Whom he was to meet. To accompany him on this safari he was to have a Presence go with him (Ex. 33:14; Psa. 23:4; Isa. 43:2, 3). He had Provisions for the journey, namely the Grace of God and the Strength of God (II Cor. 12 :9 ); and he had Promises from God to fortify him. While hearts were saddened, yet a triumphant note predominated. The African choir sang as the casket was opened, and multitudes of mourners filed by. Faithful pastors, some o f whom had been operated on by the doctor, all of whom had been prayed with by him, carried the casket to a waiting truck through the military guard of honor. The entourage proceeded slowly to the ceme­ tery surrounded by palm trees, and situated in the most beautiful natural surroundings, just below the doctor’s hospital. There his remains were laid to rest, to await the resurrection morning. His wife Coralee was marvelously sustained by God’s grace, and bore a poignant testimony. God’s grace continued to sustain her, but now she’s lonely. She needs our prayers as she plans her first furlough without her husband. The doctor is also survived by

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NAME: MY BEGINNER BOOK for 4s and 5s SIZE: 32 big bright pages of Bible stories, activities, pictures, and songs BIRTHDATE: OCTOBER, 1964

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AUGUST, 1964

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