NOW YOU CAN GIVE YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR CHURCH A BEAUTIFUL REMEMBRANCE OF YOURSELF after you are gone . .. through the new GOLDSTAR G O L D E N H E R I P L A N F o r f o l k s w h o d o n ’ t D r i n k o r S m o k e
I f you do not drink or smoke, you may be eligible for the new low-cost GOLD STAR Heri tage Plan—which pays $1,500.00 in lump sum CASH Life Insur ance Benefits—PLUS $100.00 a year MORE for 10 years! If you are carrying ordinary life insurance, you probably pay the same rate as those who drink and smoke. But our research in dicates that those who don’t drink and don’t smoke are better risks, and should be entitled to LOWER rates. So now, with rates based upon studies, you CAN get lower-cost protection if you do not drink or smoke! The new GOLD STAR Heri tage Plan offers you 5-WAY PROTECTION! First, it pays your survivors $1,500.00 tax-free CASH, in a lump sum. Second, it pays them (or your church or other charitable institution, if you prefer) $100.00 a year each year for 10 years—at Christmas, Eas ter, Thanksgiving, or birthdays. Third, the GOLD STAR Heritage Plan provides cash or loan values in event o f financia l stress. Fourth, you are never without some protection, because GOLD STAR provides extended insur ance or paid-up insurance if you are unable to continue your pre miums. Fifth, GOLD STAR pro tects your pocketbook. You enjoy special low rates because you don’t drink or smoke — and be
cause GOLD STAR employs no salesmen. We deal directly with you, through the United States mails! Can You Afford To Go Without This Wonderful Protection? Disaster may strike at any mo ment! Could your family afford to get along without you? Would they have to sacrifice your sav ings, your car, possibly even your home? Now, for only pennies a day, your family can enjoy the solid protection of the GOLD STAR Heritage Plan — which will pay them $1,500.00 tax-free CASH in a lump sum, PLUS $100.00 a year more for 10 years after that! MAIL CARD TODAY — “Later” May Be Too Late! The card here asks only for your name and address — so we can MAIL to you FREE, without cost or obligation, the full facts about this wonderfully sensible plan. Remember, NO salesman wifi, visit you to try to “ talk you into” anything. In the privacy of your own home, you will see for yourself the many guaranteed features offered in this GOLD STAR Plan. TIME IS PRECIOUS! If you don’t drink or smoke, act quickly. Without cost or obligation, get this coupon into the mail TO DAY!
COMPARE THESE GUARANTEED BENEFITS PAYS $1,500.00 TAX-FREE CASH in lump sum benefits to your survivors. PAYS $100.00 A YEAR MORE FOR 10 YEARS. Guaranteed payments allow your memory to be cherished, add to your fam ily's finances! May be designated for wife, or children, or church, or charitable insti tution. This will be sent in time for Christ mas, Thanksgiving, Easter, birthdays— any date you wish! CASH AND LOAN VALUES. If you run into financial problems, you can borrow from your policy, or use it as security for a loan. GUARANTEED COVERAGE. In the event you cannot meet premiums, GOLD STAR will still keep the amount of paid-up insurance in force. NO SALESMAN WILL VISIT YOU. Policy is mailed directly to your home. GUARANTEED PAYMENTS. As long as you keep your policy in force, GOLD STAR guarantees to pay every cent promised. F IL L OUT AND MAIL THE POSTAGE-PAID CARD NOW! m I M A I L TH I S k i l l Full Information will be MAILED to you . . . absolutely FREE! No Salesman will visit you . . . now or ever To: De M oss Associates, Inc. V alley Forge, Pa. 0 -0 -1-4 601-08 4 AUGUST, 1964
The Gold Star Plan policies, available and paying claims in all 50 states, are underwritten by the NATIONAL LIBERTY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania which Is licensed solely under the laws of the Commonwealth of Penna. and which carries full legal reserves for the protection of its policyholders. 5
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