King's Business - 1964-08

Advice to Candidates by Nelson S. Dilworth California State Senator , Retired

The Witness of Christian Martyrs in the Communist-ridden Jungles of V IET NAM

H e B A M

M y dear N e ighbor : You have asked me to vote for you to become a member of our public school board. May I be in­ formed of your purposes? Will you try to prevent any in­ tended attack or ridicule of the Christian faith o f pupils from Chris­ tian families, by school personnel or materials ? Is there any more important ac­ tivity in the school than teaching our youth a truthful understanding of the. benefits of our American con­ stitutional freedom that protects their rights to choose their occupa­ tion, where they wish to live, and a chance to provide a home and to be secure in it? Will you expect the employed in­ structors, by precept and example, to encourage appreciation in the stu­ dents for their heritage o f liberty in this nation, and a willingness to loyally defend it and support it? Should anything be allowed to de­ tract from a major emphasis on read­ ing, writing and speaking our moth­ er tongue, the English language? Will it not be the student’s means of communication with his associates in the business world and in social life? Will it not be the principal means of continued learning in high­ er institutions for professional train­ ing, and continued learning after his school days are over? How important do you rate mas­ tery of basic arithmetic and mathe­ matics in preparatory schools? Is it not true that without proficiency in mathematics high school graduates are barred from entering a major portion of the college and profession­ al courses that would qualify them for successful professional careers? How important do you consider the school’s responsibility to ac­ quaint our youth with the remark­ able productivity, efficiency in dis­ tribution, and opportunity for the industrious individual afforded by the free, competitive economic sys­ tem that has contributed so greatly to this nation’s pre-eminence? Will you welcome and encourage participation by parents and parent groups in the discussion of educa­ tional policies, practices and manage­ ment, and the making of the school a co-operative expression of the in­ terest of the whole community in the advancement of o u r youth ? These are the things I want to vote for.



Another in the series of Harper’s Jungle Missionary Clas­ sics. This will appeal to those who enjoyed Dowdy’s CHRIST’S WITCHDOCTOR . The author actually spent months living with the tribes­ men to get this living witness to the heroism of the people of war-torn Viet Nam — the stories that never get into the headlines of our daily papers. PRICE ...................................................................................... $3.95


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Sent to the following groups as means provided. • Prisons • Servicemen • Missionaries Your help in any amount will be appreciated . . . THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.

AUGUST, 1964


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