moves into unfavorable terrain such as a new neighborhood or school. 3. Misdevelopment of impulses and character such as sexual perversion —the child who cannot curb a flood of impulses. 4. Inability to distinguish between the real and play acting, identifying oneself with movie and television characters. 5. Self-cure by teen-agers to protect their mental health against errors of adults . . . a form of rebellion against the “false, fuzzy standards of adults.” 6. Desperate efforts to hide other types of afflictions by a swaggering, bravado type of conduct. 7. Imitating a less desirable adult or acts of daring in a wrong cause. Working from the causes of juvenile delinquency (as proved in the Guecks’ survey), and the symptoms of juvenile delinquency (as stated by Dr. Redl), we can re-do our original “Twelve Rules” and now make them “Twelve Rules for Raising Responsible Chil dren.” 1. Begin with infancy to teach the child he cannot have everything he wants. 2. When he picks up bad words, cor rect him. 3. Give him spiritual training early in life. 4. Make frequent use of the word “wrong” in correcting bad acts. 5. Make him pick up his own things and do as many other things for himself as he can. 6. Be careful what you let him read. 7. Keep the home atmosphere pleas ant and warm. 8. Make him earn his spending money. 9. See that desires and cravings for food drink and comfort are satis fied only in moderation. 10. Back him only when he’s right and let him know you won’t back him when he’s wrong. 11. Accept your responsibility for his actions until he’s of age to accept them himself. 12. Prepare for a life of satisfaction with your child. You are likely to have it. R o b e r t D. N o r t o n Vice President—Communications Coast Federal Saving and Loan Association The above has been printed by Coast Federal Savings of Los Angeles and may be obtained upon request. We should like to add that above and beyond all of these fine rules and regulations is the necessity for bringing the child face to face with the Lord Jesus Christ and showing him his need of a Saviour. The motive of pleas ing God as well as his parents will strengthen character as nothing else can.
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F o l l o w in g u p o u r “Twelve Rules for Raising Delinquent Children,” we think you will be interested in the results of some important research on raising responsible children. In a study covering several years, sociolo gists Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck of Harvard University have identified the five crucial factors in predicting the future delinquency of many New York children in the 5-6 age group. Checking on all these children four years later has shown an 89% ac curacy of the Glueck’s predictions of delinquency, as indicated to them by the following five factors and their weights in the experience of these children: 1. The father’s discipline (72.5%) 2. The mother’s supervision (83.2%) 3. The father’s affection (75.9%) 4. The mother’s affection (86.2%) 5. The family’s cohesiveness (96.9%) These factors can be stated in the following five rules. Evidence indi cates strongly that failure to follow these rules will produce delinquent children, as they did in the cases studied. f. A father should be fair, firm, and consistent in the discipline of his children. 2. A mother should daily supervise her children, including knowing where her children are and what they are doing. 3. Fathers need to demonstrate their love for their children. 4. Mothers also need to show they love their children, perhaps more demonstratively than fathers. 5. Mothers and fathers need to spend more time with their children. Dr. Fritz Redl, professor of be havior science at Wayne University and one of America’s leading author ities on emotionally-disturbed chil dren, has listed seven types of pre delinquency conduct, which he' re gards as accurate symptoms of future delinquency, unless corrected. These symptoms are: 1. Lack of resistance to group pressure —the desire to conform when chal lenged to a dare. 2. Confusion which results when one
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