C lass i f ied Ads 15 CENTS PER W O RD — M IN IM U M $3.00 Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index —- Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York 14075. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. FREE TO MINISTERS: Sample new magazine for preachers, SHEPHERD'S STAFF (outlines, etc.). Editor Ward Chandler. Write Box 5056, Pasadena, California.__________________________________________________ Bibles Rebound Write for illustrated price list from Nation's largest Bible rebinding specialists. Work Guaran teed. Norris Bookbinding Co., 122 Stone, Green wood, Mississippi. Help W anted Large Rescue Mission needs additional staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com pensation. Write P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. Music Correct and singable hymn music, composed, ar ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Stationery Personal or Business 6 x 9 wtrmkd. paper, en velopes, blue or black ink; 100 sheets, envelopes — $2.40; 250 of each, $4.29; 500 of each, $7.29; postpaid west Mississippi River. Samples. Bible Faith Press, Ennis, Montana. Toronto Baptist Seminary Evangelical, Baptistic, scholarly, offers complete courses for prospective pastors, missionaries, and Christian Education workers. Recognized degrees No tuition fee. Preaching opportunities. For com prehensive prospectus write The Principal, 337 Jarvis Street, Toronto 2, Ontario, Canada. (See helpful advertisem ent inside back cover.) I --------------------------------------------------------- j B IO LA CO LLEG E Stewardship Department 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, C alif. 90017 □ I am interested in training at Biola. * □ I would like to know how I can help I to train young people at Biola. Nam e __________________________________ I A d d r e s s _________________:___________ _ ___ i C ity& S ta te __________ J i___________________________________i
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Honorable M ark O. H atfield, Governor of the State of Oregon, will be one of the key speakers to be featured during the 19th annual National Sunday School Convention, Port land, Oregon, October 7-9. Gov ernor Hatfield, a dedicated Chris tian and an active lay-leader in nu merous church and Sunday school organizations, is one of America’s most promising young politicians. A s moderator of First Baptist Church, Salem, Oregon, for three years, Governor Hatfield speaks not only out of conviction but also from experience on Christian education and its potential today. The theme of the Convention will be, “ For Times Like These . . . Vote Sunday School.” D r. Everett F. Swanson, founder and director of Compassion, Inc. has announced the acceptance of the franchise offered by Gospel Light Publications to translate, publish, and distribute Gospel Light Bible School materials in Korea. The en tire program will be under the direc tion of Gompassion, which has a fully-staffed Christian literature de partment in its Seoul, Korea, office. Leaders in the Korean Christian community have stated that avail ability of Gospel Light Bible School materials in the Korean language will greatly strengthen the entire field of Christian education in Ko rea. At present, graded Bible school literature for pupil and teacher is not available. Paul J . Pietsch, J r ., manager of Ra dio Victoria PJA-6, Aruba, Nether lands Antilles, has recently received a salute for the station from one of the most important daily newspa pers in Venezuela, El Nacional. The newspaper had this to say about the radio ministry: “Without any doubt, Radio Victo ria in Aruba is one of the best radio stations we can tune in here. Its musical programs are based on the best selected masterworks. This sta tion has one of the best news serv ices we know of . . . and, surpris ingly enough, we can know Venezue lan news even before it comes from our own stations!” Radio Victoria is operated by The Evangelical Alliance Mission on the standard broadcast band with pro grams in Papiamento, Dutch, Span ish, and English. M r. Grady Parrott, president of Mis sionary Aviation Fellowship, re-
cently received a check for more than $11,000 from the students of Biola College, La Mirada, California. The money was used to cover the full cost of a slightly-used Cessna 180 aircraft which was already in use in
the Republic of Congo. Pictured above is MAF pilot Wes Eisemann (left) in Leopoldville, Congo, as he receives the keys from the former owner of the Cessna 180. D r. Gleason L. A rch er, a member of the Fuller Theological Seminary fac ulty since 1948, will leave the school the end of August to join the De partment of Old Testament at Trin ity Evangelical Divinity Scho o l , Deerfield, Illinois. The press report ed Dr. Archer’s leaving for the rea son that “ the faculty of this other school will be more fully in accord with my own personal interpreta tions of the doctrine of the inerrancy of the original manuscripts of Holy Scripture.” He said he felt “ inade quate” to handle the extra assign ment “ in such a way as to give my students an adequate grounding” in the subject matter. Dorothy Grunbock Johnston, widely known children’s author, has recent ly finished a unique new book “ Bob and Betty Wonder,” published by Scripture Press Publications. This refreshing, down-to-earth book is designed to answer junior-age ques tions such as “Why was I born?” , “ I have my ups and downs—why?” , and many others. In this book, nine to eleven-year-old boys and girls will find Bible-based answers to life’s questions. Rev. George Hastie and Rev. Antonio Nunez recently were installed as Di rector and Dean respectively of the Central American Bible Institute of Guatemala. Mr. Nunez, dynamic Sal vadoran preacher and teacher, has taught at CABI for ten years. Mr. Hastie, missionary, has worked for ten years with both the Spanish and indigenous tribal Indian popula tions of Guatemala.
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