ushered into the presence o f the God o f the universe. Not dying as a dog dies, he must face an eternity which follows the brief span o f this life. During those tense moments, hours and days o f meeting death face to face, the servicemen found atheism to be unsatisfying, insufficient, unbelievable. It had nothing to offer the human mind and heart in its last hours. When men expect to awaken on the morrow, they love to rationalize, philosophize and theorize about the existence and nature o f God. But when they come up against the stark reality that at any moment they are likely to face their Creator, it is a different matter. Life takes on an altered significance. Then God becomes very real; death becomes very real; the life hereafter becomes just as real. The prospect o f spending eternity apart from God and all that is good is appalling. The remembrance o f sins unforgiven is frightening. As a result, men cry out for some thing or someone who can give peace o f mind and rest o f heart and assurance o f heaven. Incredibly, we are now witnessing a resurgence o f this same skeptical, cynical attitude toward God which existed during the late twenties and the thirties. In an economy where there is abun dant food for practically everyone, plenty o f money with which to enjoy all the necessities and most o f the luxuries o f life; where there are comfortable homes, high-powered automobiles, excel lent highways, interesting places to visit and intriguing things to do, people seem to have little need for God. A man has every thing his heart desires today; tomorrow will be same. So why should he concern himself with the indefinite, distant future? There will be plenty o f time to consider that when one is old. People look at themselves; they see the results o f the labors o f their own minds and hands; they note that everything is compara tively good and they exclaim, "Observe what I have accom plished! I have done this for myself. There is nothing I cannot do as evidenced by what I have done already.” So God is ruled out o f man’s thought and life. Recently there arrived in California, according to newspaper accounts o f June 13, 1964, the Baltimore divorcee, Mrs. Madalyii Murray, America’s best-known atheist, who proudly calls her self, "the most hated woman in America.” She came to conduct a series o f speaking engagements in the Southern California area. According to the newspaper accounts, she stated, "Most people in this country have tremendous doubts about religion.” She told o f the "Atheist Information Center” being built in Kansas. When completed, this center will be used to educate fellow- atheists in unbelief so that they can "proselytize” for the cause. She said, "These people will not serve as missionaries. However, they will serve to help those Americans, and there are millions o f them, who have doubts about religion.” She cited specifically the six million Americans listed in the 1960 census as having "no religious preference.” (continued on page 38)
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