Y8 Bulletin 23.06.23


To mark International Women in Engineering Day students have been taking part in workshops during form time. Earlier this week we had the Year 10 hustings, where students gave speeches to the student body to ask for their vote to be Headstudent of Waldegrave School. Students will be asked to vote for their favourite candidate. The link to the voting form will be posted onto their form time google classrooms. Well done to Ishka P, Artemis G, Luana S -W, Robyn Z-B, Emily S, Iona K, Chiara I, Shokria Al and Taqwa A all from 8FBH. They submitted an entry to the French Institute for the French pop song competition. The music video that they created together was incredibly well done and very expertly produced. Congratulations on winning the regionals and for really throwing yourselves into the life of the school! Congratulations to Helena M and Victoria M for competing in the London Youth Games Judo competition last weekend. Richmond came second out of 33 London boroughs with over 500 young people competing on the day. Well done for being such fantastic team players. Well done to Ishka P in 8FBH who recently passed her Black Belt in Karate! Great work to 8SPI for coming top of the epraise leaderboard this week in Year 8. In second place we have 8STH and third place 8PGO. Sports Day will take place on Tuesday 27 June. We are very excited to tell you that this year we are going back to our pre-covid ways and the whole school will be out on field for the afternoon session to watch our contesters take part. On Thursday 29 June we are looking forward to welcoming into school a local YA author, Sue Wallman, who will talk to Year 7 and 8 students about her books and answer any of their questions. Copies of some of Sue’s books will be available to buy on the day which she will then personalise and sign. If you or your child would like to buy copies of any of the books, please preorder through ParentPay where possible. Of course if you already own any of Sue’s books your child can bring those in and Sue will be happy to sign them.






Year 7/8 Cricket Festival Year 9/10 Rounders vs RTS U15 Cricket Regional Finals

1ST AND 4TH WON 5.5 - 4.5 2ND PLACE

09.06.23 13.06.23 15.06.23


Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins Age recommendation 12+

Anna is a 17 year old high school senior who lives in Atlanta. Circumstances force her to move to Paris where she attends the School of America in Paris and meets St. Clair, Meredith, Rashmi and Josh. As time passes, Anna becomes part of the group not knowing love is in the air. American with a twist of French! ~ Recommended by Jiya K, Year 7 student

Please contact us with any queries or problems you may have. To get in touch with a member of staff from your child’s year group, you can: Send an email to KS3@waldegravesch.org Or you can contact the school via phone by calling: 02088943244 WALDEGRAVE SCHOOL Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH HOW TO CONTACT YEAR 8 HEAD OF YEAR AND TUTORS

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