King's Business - 1910-09

the good part. One thing is the theme. The sinner lacks one thing, Luke 18: 22. The young man had many things —position, possessions, pleasures—but he had no peace of conscience; no life everlasting. No man can be happy who has not the consciousness of ac- ceptance with God. This was the lack of Nicodemus, John 3:1-3; of Herod, Matt. 14:1-3; Felix, Acts 24:25, and of every unsaved soul. One thing to desire, Psalms 27:4, Mark 8:36. There is one thing of in- estimable value, the soul of man. We place high value upon human life and punish men severely who take human life, but alas, we too often are care- less about the souls of others. What is the life compared with the soul? What is time in comparison with eter- nity? One thing which God has done, John 3:16. Beyond every other work of God is the one supreme act of devotion in the giving of His Son. What unmeas- Superintendent T. C. Horton and Mrs. Horton, with Mr. Lyman Stewart, pres- ident of the Institute, are making an automobile tour in the northern part of the state. We rejoice that they are hav- ing this well-deserved outing. Bev. B. A. Hadden and family are spending the month at their favorite resort, Catalina Island. Bev. J. H. Sammis is teaching during August at Mt. Hermon, California. Bev. A. B. Prichard is spending a few weeks at the Indian Conference at Flagstaff, Ariz. Mr. B. C. Lewis and family are rus- ticating at Sturtevant's Camp, Mt. Wil- son. Evangelist Wm. Sloan is looking after the shop work during Mr..Lewis's absence. Several of the Bible women are en- joying a much-needed rest this month.

ured love is manifested in the sacri- fice. He spared Isaac when Abraham was about to ffer him up, Gen. 22:10- 14, but He spared not His own Son, Eom. 8:32. One thing Ood expects us to do. To forget the things of the past, Phil. 3: 13-14; turn our backs upon it. To live definitely in the present. To preach the Gospel of the Son to the perishing world, Acts 8:4, 1 Cor. 9:16- 22. Paul revelled in giving the Gospel. This is the true spirit of the worker. The need of the world is the Gospel. All efforts to reform the world are vain. There is but one panacea for hu- man woe; that is the glad and glorious Gospel of God's grace. God expects us to do this one thing. Blessed the man and woman who, having the one Book have also one consuming desire; the giving of the message to the world which lies in sin and wretchedness. Save some ohe out of the wreck, and DO IT NOW. The Fishermen's Evangelistic Band is engaged at present at Perris, Biver- side county. Many souls have already decidcd for Christ. Blessed results are following their recent work at Elsinore. Earnest prayer is solicited for these young, enthusiastic soul-winners. Harry Hill, Billy Percival and sev- eral other Fishermen boys are making themselves felt for good as leaders of the Y. M. C. A. camp at Catalina. The Fishermen and Lyceum Clubs are maintaining their usual interest and at- tendance during the summer months. L. W. Westall and Mrs. Westall have received an appointment under the Central American Mission. At what point they will be located is not yet ascertained. The prayers of the nu- merous friends of this devoted couple shall Tise for them to the Lord of Mis- sions.

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