SHOOSTY BUGS / An Art Infestation

The timing was perfect. By 1988, 800-number toll- free calling was rolled out and to capture some of this business, they created a call center. Stephen built the technology, earning a software patent along the way. “Whether using a brush or a keyboard, the creative process remains: problem-solving, experimentation, and pursuing beauty. The medium may differ, but the artist’s intent endures.” - Shoosty As the company grew, nine of his family members joined. By 2012, his father won The Sun Sentinel’s Ex- calibur Businessman of the Year Award for Broward County, Florida. Four days later, he was diagnosed with leukemia. Seven months later, he was gone. For the next seven years, Stephen spent two hours each morning writing his father’s biography. The company peaked at 3,000 employees before it was sold in 2019. The client list was filled with the finest companies in the world: National Geo- graphic, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, MoMA, Southeast Toyota, Crate&Barrel, Zara, Tory Burch, Hermès, Wolford, Lacoste, and many more.

Stephen Shooster with multiplexer in a Miami truck tunnel. 1989

SHOOSTER BOOK TITLES: The Horse Adjutant - The True Story of a

Nazi Holocaust Survivor, Leon Schagrin.

Herman Shooster - The Son of a Tailor, who was the Son of a Shoemaker The Shoosty Catalog Raisonné - A 3-volume opus. The entire catalog of Shoosty Art. 1,600 pages ranging from age 7 to age 65.


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