Calculate Fuse Rating
Calculate current through the fuse taking into account alternating and surge loads
Determine the rated voltage of
the fuse link U N > U B
U DRM , U RRM , I TSM Enter Data of the semiconductors
Determine type of fuse Sizes, contacts, approvals
Select different type of fuse
Installation of the fuse link under standard
Is it possible?
temperaure, cooling, cable size Considerminfluencing factors encapsulaon
Apply data sheet coefficients to fuse
Calculate minimum current the fuse link can carry continuously
Improve operating conditions cooling, terminal cross section
Select rated current according series of standards, I N > I B
Burst Integral > Operating integral Off state voltage > Switching voltage Peak current > Cut-off current
Optimum component protection Select Article No. from appropriate datasheet
Fig 7.2 Flow chart for the selection of the semiconductor fuse link
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