Night Mode Setting
NIGHT MODE for art mode
Enabling Night Mode within the web interface allows the SRS-2 to turn the TV off automatically at night when the ambient light in the room drops to a low level. The Night Mode setting is controlled by an internal setting known as the Dark Threshold. The Dark Threshold determines what level of light in the room is required for the Night Mode setting to respond.
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The Dark Threshold setting determines the light level at which Night Mode activates and causes the screen to go black. The lower the setting, the darker the room must be before the Night Mode setting will activate. The Dark Threshold setting of 1 will activate Night Mode when the room is completely dark. If the Dark Threshold is set to 5, the lighting will not have to be very low for Night Mode to activate Dark Threshold DARK TRESHOLD
1 2 3 4 5
The Sleep After setting controls the Motion Detection Feature. Sleep After Setting
SLEEP AFTER for art mode
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Enable this feature to automatically put the TV to sleep after a set time when no motion is detected. The art display will resume when motion is once again detected. Note: This setting applies only to Art Mode and is turned off by default in the SRS-2 firmware.
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