Launch 2023 | CWU College of Business

Lauren Odette (’22)

Senior Year

PREPARE FOR POST-GRADUATION LIFE Start making preparations for life after graduation. Take time to reflect on your college journey and the personal and academic growth you have achieved. Consider how your experiences have shaped your aspirations and future goals. Embrace the excitement and nostalgia of your senior year and cherish the memories you have made. UTILIZE ALUMNI RESOURCES Connect with alumni from your college who have pursued careers in your field of interest. Seek advice, ask for informational interviews, and learn from their experiences. Many colleges offer resources specifically for alumni, so take advantage of those networks and opportunities. Stay organized, remain proactive in your job search or graduate school applications, and embrace the opportunities available to you.

LAUNCH LEARN how we build careers with hands-on experience. ACHIEVE what we aspire to be with support from the CAT Center. UNITE as one for equity, diversity, and inclusivity. NAVIGATE networks with alumni and industry professionals. CHALLENGE what we know by acquiring new knowledge and skills. HONOR who we are by helping each other.

pg. 17

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