Launch 2023 | CWU College of Business


Andy Parks: CWU’s Kuolt Distinguished Professor of Business, received one of the most prestigious honors in U.S. higher education the 2023 Reginald Wilson Diversity Leadership Award from the American Council on Education (ACE) at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. Betty Middlestadt and Jaap Donker: Economics students who won 1st place at the Intentional Endowments Network. They recommended an investment in Starbucks and proposed an engagement strategy to prevent sexual harassment and gender discrimination.

CWU Agribusiness Program: In 2023, this program received $75,000 in federal funding from the recently passed congressional spending bill. Industry supporters such as the Kobata Foundation, Loftus Labs, Tree Top Inc., and many others have contributed their time, wisdom, and/or combined $70,000 to help get the program off the ground. Bill Provaznik and Rob Ogburn: presented and represented CWU/I4IE at the 2023 Economic Development Conference hosted by the Department of Commerce Economic Development Agency. Bill and Rob presented research on growth strategies in regional planning.

The First 50 Years: By The Numbers

28.3K The number of graduates we have had from the College of Business since establishment in 1974.

27:1 The average faculty to student class size ratio for the College of Business.

132 The number of classes we have offered for students to pursue their passion.

2010 The year the College of Business was granted AACSB accreditation.

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