Launch 2023 | CWU College of Business

MIGUEL GOMEZ (’24) Accounting and Marketing

CATHERINE AZURIN (’23) Business Analytics

LANDEN HASHIMURA (’23) Economics

RACHEL NYGREN (’25) Accounting and Human Resource Management

Arriving at Central Washington University last fall was the best decision in my college career. Driving back and forth during the first quarter of attending the university was a hardship. Still, instead of seeing that obstacle as a hardship, it motivated me to work hard to become the first in my family to have a college degree. Thankfully during the winter, a decision was made to move to Ellensburg and take advantage of all tools at CWU.

One of my proudest accomplishments at CWU has been serving as the PR Chair for CWUFASA. I am responsible for promoting FASA’s events and managing our social media platforms. Through this experience, I gained valuable leadership skills and a deep appreciation for the power of collaboration and teamwork, and the importance of giving back to my community. I am grateful for the opportunity to have served as a positive influence on the Filipino American student community.

Coming to CWU was the best decision I could have made. The small class sizes allowed me to build close relationships with the faculty that have pushed me to aim higher and achieve more than I ever thought possible. I have engrossed myself in school activities, holding leadership positions in the Economics Association, Japanese Student Association, and Swim Club. I have been pushed academically, and have grown as a student and a man because of my experiences.

Central has given me the opportunity to connect with my peers and faculty in more ways than I ever expected.

My participation in clubs has opened up many doors for me, connecting me with professionals for internship opportunities and allowing me to serve in my community. I am so grateful for all of my club faculty advisors who have helped me to develop my professional skills. I now consider each of them to be a mentor to me and they have truly enriched my time at CWU.

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