Launch 2023 | CWU College of Business


pg. 13 ACADEMICS PROGRAMS See a list of all the programs the College of Business offers. pg. 15 COLLEGE BY THE YEAR Learn where to place your focus as your college career progresses. pg. 19 SCHOLARSHIPS Take advantage of all the financial support CB provides. pg. 22 STUDENT STORIES Read our student’s experiences and how CWU has impacted their college journeys.

Discover the wealth of resources offered by our Career, Advising, and Tutoring (CAT) Center. pg. 5 INVOLVEMENT Find out how to get involved with business events and clubs. pg. 9 NETWORKING Bringing industry to you by connecting with alumni and companies. pg. 11 CAREER PREP Learn how to build careers with hands-on experience.

Economics Association

CB Alumni enjoying Mariner’s Night

pg. 1

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