Launch 2023 | CWU College of Business

TUTORING The goal of tutoring is to provide information and guidance to help students help themselves. Tutors are students who have previously taken and excelled in a given class. They are available for set blocks of time for these subject areas in CB: • Accounting • Business • Economics • Finance • Management Information Systems

THE WILDCAT PANTRY The Wildcat Pantry works to empower CWU students by removing barriers to essential resources that support holistic well-being and is a resource for students to help alleviate food and hygiene insecurity. Our grab-and-go station currently operates through donations and is stocked by the College of Business staff. You are free to stop by and take items from the shelf anytime Shaw-Smyser is open.

The Wildcat Pantry

Career advising appointment

Enrolling in classes at the CAT Center.

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