NIFCA NEWS Autumn 2024

nifca news autumn 2024

NIFCA Officers were pleased to join partner agencies in March for a Joint Coastal Enforcement training day. The event, which brought together cross-warranted Environment Agency staff and Northumberland IFCA Officers, was centred around refresher training in common areas of concern, such as illegal activity and known offenders. The training provided a fantastic opportunity to share information and raise awareness of working practices across the district, and to consider areas where joint working could benefit everyone. Joint Coastal Enforcement training

Officers were pleased to also meet partners in the Northumbria Police Rural Crimes Team and MMO Enforcement Officers.

The day was highly successful in strengthening the working relationship with our partners. The opportunity to better understand the abilities of each team within the district was of great benefit, and led to the teams working together on joint operations in the following months. We remain grateful for these opportunities to strengthen working relationships, so we can continue to improve practices, and support our stakeholders as best as possible.


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