local work
small scale fisheries workshop - WHItby
Officers were pleased to attend, in October, the residential workshop, “Securing sustainable small-scale fisheries in the UK”. This was the second workshop of its kind, designed to take a closer look at the significant decline of the inshore fishing industry over the last 18 years. Held in Whitby, the workshop was attended by over 60 people, providing representation from the fishing industry, wholesalers and regional regulators from the north west and east coast. Attendees discussed the challenges faced by the industry, particularly within the under 10 metre fleet, and ways to address the decline. The workshop was also joined by an illustrator with the aim of producing a visual summary of the discussion from the two-day event. Attendees were pleased with the resultant infographic (right) which they felt effectively captured the thought process of the discussion in a concise and easy to digest format.
These workshops are the first part of a broader conversation about addressing the decline across the entire fishing fleet.
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