nifca news autumn 2024
student placement
Isabelle Caris, a Year 12 student from Hexham’s Queen Elizabeth High School, recently completed a week-long work placement with NIFCA. With a keen interest in marine biology, Isabelle engaged in activities such as measuring lobsters and identifying their sex, contributing to crew logs, and learning about technologies used in marine conservation. Describing her experience, Isabelle highlighted the thrill of crewing one of the Authority’s patrol boats and going out to sea. She said: “It was an amazing and inspiring week; I have gained new skills and got a realistic experience of patrol duties and the vital role NIFCA plays in supporting the local shellfish population and working in partnership with the fishing community to sustain fish stocks and prevent illegal practices. “I highly recommend the NIFCA placement to other students interested in marine science and conservation. It is a fantastic and rare opportunity to do exciting fieldwork, interact with fishers and crew, and it’s also solidified my goal to study marine biology at Newcastle University after my A-levels.”
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