Defense Acquisition Research Journal #91

Jurisdiction over Federal Procurement Disputes: The Puzzle of Other Transaction Agreements. Nikole R. Snyder Summary:

The article analyzes sovereign immunity in view of its associationwith what is commonly referred to as the Other Transaction Authority (OTA) statute. It discusses how provisions of the Contract Disputes Act (CDA), provides a waiver of sovereign immunity that enables contractors to sue the government for procurement contract disputes. It mentions that due to the lack of express congressional abrogation of sovereign immunity, the federal government cannot be sued for OTA disputes. APA Citation: Snyder, N. R. (2019). Jurisdiction over Federal procurement disputes: The puzzle of Other Transaction Agreements. Public Contract Law Journal, 48 (3), 515–550. Retrieved from e=ip&db=asn&AN=138330775&site=ehost-live&scope=site


Defense ARJ, January 2020, Vol. 27No. 1 : 112–116

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