Defense Acquisition Research Journal #91

We encourage prospectivewriters to coauthor, adding depth tomanuscripts. We recommend that junior researchers select a mentor who has been previously published or has expertise in the manuscript’s subject. Authors should be familiar with the style and format of previous Defense ARJs and adhere to the use of endnotes versus footnotes, formatting of reference lists, and the use of designated style guides. It is also the responsibility of the corresponding author to furnish any required government agency/employer clearances with each submission. MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts should refect researchof empirically supported experience in one or more of the areas of acquisition discussed above. The Defense ARJ is a scholarly research journal and as such does not publish position papers, essays, or otherwritings not supported by research frmly based in empirical data. Authors should clearly state in their submission whether they are submitting a research article or a case history. The requirements for each are outlined below. Research Articles Empirical research findings are based on acquired knowledge and experience versus results founded on theory and belief. Critical characteristics of empirical research articles: • clearly state the question, • defne the research methodology,


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